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  1. los0420

    best way to setup a SOG 4x4, 1k hps flood table to flower clones on?

    so you pull 1.5 oz per plant in a sog with 25 plant under 1k ??How much veg time from rooted clone
  2. los0420

    Coco: Tips, techniques, and the facts you will need

    i have been using coco for over two years now.I feed every single watering .I do a 60 % coco (canna coco )40 % perlite.I water every 2-3 nights depending on how much they drink ,i never have run off except for flush i, i feed them about 1 gal per 5 gal of container.amazing results,amazing...
  3. los0420

    Yellow Spots, holes in new growth, Looks Like Bug Damage, But no bugs

    i have the same problem in a room full of plants only a few have it and i looked for hours with two types of scopes and i cant find a single bug help
  4. los0420

    20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

    soilless is basically hydro dont forget that cleaning all the rdwc buckets every grow is just as much work if not more then using soiless plus when people are counting on getting meds from you its always good to use a system that will make it through power outage just in case i have have grow...
  5. los0420

    General Organics in DWC

    go line is for dirt or coir only and u dont ph it or add synthetic ferts to it
  6. los0420

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    i have used the stink bud system for 3-5 years and i have done different mods made bigger budding units and used different tubs for res but let me tell you guys its works amazing and its super simple
  7. los0420

    ** 3 To 4 LBS.**

    (8) 1000's is a sure way,(4) for each room harvest every 4 weeks :)
  8. los0420

    Stinkbud's veg system - can I cut roots?

    i have the same set up once i see roots growing down the pvc pipe going to the pump i cut off the roots it does no damage at all to the plant also when i transplant from veg unit to bud unit i cut roots off each plant and then place them in the rails been doing for coiple years with no problems
  9. los0420

    stink buddies

    been using this system works killer yield really depends on strain genetics and of course environment and nutrients but i have seen a custom stinkbud 12 plant system 3.5ft.x7.5ft with 3 600s and kush strain (low yielder) do 2.5#
  10. los0420

    Running NFT system and problem with roots

    15 on /15 off show a picture of your system plz
  11. los0420

    Powder Mold

    water and ph up tp 10.0 and spray plants mildew cure,serenade,neem,h202 and water,after harvest h202 dip like george cervantes it works 100% it will kill the powdery mildew but once u have it in a strain its systematic (internal) just waiting for any reason to come out .i have seen powdery...
  12. los0420

    Drain to waste??

    clean out ur res everyday for about 4 days and it will be gone i had it and got rid of it quick like that. if its real bad go more days
  13. los0420

    Botanicare PBP Users Tips - Info - Recipes

    how is that an extra step, i add all the nutes in jug add water and then pour into my rez ,the way you do it you add from each bottle ,i feel like i get alot more control with ppm the way i do it if i need to add more ppm i add some more mix real simple
  14. los0420

    4x8 scrog running two 1k watters what is the best hood xxxl or blockbuster

    thanks man i got the xxxl magnums 8" the new ones with all the improvements
  15. los0420

    Botanicare PBP Users Tips - Info - Recipes

    actually i have been mixing all my nutes in a gallon jug for years and never had a single problem. im sure you have read that it is not good to do so but i actuallly do it. you should check out stinkbuddies i have used his formula for the last 4 years ,it works great plus it doesnt matter what...
  16. los0420

    Ebb and grow (4x super critical, 1x ak47, 7x bubba kush)

    thanks your set up looks very clean
  17. los0420

    help me 4000watt grow heat issues

    forgot i also have walls fans and a floor fan circulating air
  18. los0420

    help me 4000watt grow heat issues

    well let me start by saying that i have been growing for a few years now and i have had many successful grows but i am stumped on a new room that i have built . I HAVE (4) MAGNUM XXXL 8" hoods in a 11x11 room ,i have (2) 8" inline fans cooling the lights ,i have a can 8" fan ontop of my can 150...
  19. los0420


    make it really cold at night /lights off and for yield idk maybe 1oz and a half
  20. los0420

    The Future; Induction Lighting?

    this isnt plasma right ? im pretty sure that plasma is the best light for growing being that no other light can compare to the the spectrum put out by plasma,they are really expensive though so i will stick with hps for flowering a t-5 for veg