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  1. jhelms

    BCNL or SuperCloset

    Dude that is one of the best DIY boxes I've seen so far. How much did it cost you in total and how many hours of work?
  2. jhelms

    How do I know when my plant started to flower if I'm growing outdoors?

    Hey Guys and Gals, I have a collosal White widow growing outdoors and she is looking great but I am trying to figure out how many more weeks of flowering I have left till harvest but it's hard to tell because I have no idea exactly when she started to flower since it is outdoors. I don't have...
  3. jhelms

    Nute info for sea of green in soil white widow grow

    Hey fellow tokers, I'm going to be cloning my colossal White Widow mother today and I wanted to know exactly how to go about giving my babies nutes once their ready and transplanted. I bought a bottle of Aqua Flakes A and B and I have no idea how to go about using these nutes as the only grow...
  4. jhelms

    medical marijuana dispensary in toronto

    Does anyone have any idea what would need to be done to open a legal medical marijuana dispensary in toronto? I've been searching online and cant find any information. any information would be appreciated