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  1. ganjafarmer16

    New Site Live

    where can i find my notepad??
  2. ganjafarmer16

    Ready to Harvest?? First grow

    hi this is my first grow and ive got 2 masterkush/skunk #1 cross there halfway through their 7th week of flowering, and im not too sure if they are ready to be harvested....some of the buddz look like they are prime and ready to be dealth with please let me know if you guys think its time in a...
  3. ganjafarmer16

    Help!! Leaves falling off

    there are enuff bud sites on the top of the plant i guess i just gotta get much more light on them as soon as possible i give em some miracle grow 12-8-12 once every 3 weeks? should i be increasing the times i give them some feed? ive got 210 watts of clf's on them right now...prolly need to...
  4. ganjafarmer16

    Help!! Leaves falling off

    Arite this is my first grow and ive got a couple master kush X skunk #1 going ive just finished ma second week of flowering and all is could except the fact i burned my top leaves cuz i was running outta space...but made a trip to home depot and raised my cabinet for more height now the real...
  5. ganjafarmer16

    Orange pistil hairs

    arite ive just completed ma first week of flowering and most my pistils are nice and white...but some of them are turning orange and curling up kinda any idea what i need to do fix it up? im guessin that aint a good sign any helps wood be great thanks
  6. ganjafarmer16

    How far lights for flowering

    im really tight on space in my cabinet grow I was wondering how far the light should be without making the leaves burn so that it prevents the plant from becoming taller than it is now, but at the same time keep flowering? any help would be great
  7. ganjafarmer16

    Plant Tipping OVER!!

    thankz ya'll
  8. ganjafarmer16

    Plant Tipping OVER!!

    my plants been thru alot of stress recently as i had to transport it from place to place...which caused it to grow akwardly. One of the plants is now tipping over and ive used a stick to try and hold it in works for the time being, but my plants are in flowering for a week now...and...
  9. ganjafarmer16

    Messed up flowering!!!

    I need some help asap....i had my plants on 12-12 hour flowering for a week at my house, then my mom booked me growing these weed plants and i had to destroy them...little does she know i transfered them to ma boyz house which was empty:bigjoint: The problem is i was forced to keep the lights...
  10. ganjafarmer16

    Help a newb!!!!

    hello, I read the stickied threads regarding leaf problems and I can't seem to figure out what is exactly wrong with my plant, I am just looking for some input before my plants die. Any comment is appreciated. Just some information about the plants; they are about two months old. Grown in...
  11. ganjafarmer16

    Help needed spots on leaves

    had three plants going and now im only down to one proper one i need to know wats wrong with this one b4 she falls dead too, shes got spots growing on the older leaves someone please help me out, u can chek out the pics and let me know what i should do im thinking its a pH issue? any help is...
  12. ganjafarmer16

    Most Memorable Place You've Toked

    in the sauna the edge of cape breton island right on the tip going into the atlantic ocean
  13. ganjafarmer16

    pH measuring and NUTE BURN

    Growing some master kush and skunk cross but having problems with nute burn and ph levels in the soil ive already flushed my plants, and it hasnt help much i just bought a ph kit and was wondering how i would measure the ph level of the soil? what should the ph level be at? any help would...
  14. ganjafarmer16

    Help needed asap

    im using schultz potting soil plus not too sure how good it is, but hopefully they recover after i do the flushing
  15. ganjafarmer16

    Help needed asap

    arite thanks bro ill let u know how it goess
  16. ganjafarmer16

    Help needed asap

    After i flush, wouldnt i need to replace those nutrients that run off? how often should i use the miracle grow mix
  17. ganjafarmer16

    Help needed asap

    how do i flush them?? do i just over flood it with water and let it run off?
  18. ganjafarmer16

    Help needed asap

    This is my first grow, and Im growing 3 master kush X skunk #1 cross and in need of help before these babies die off on me. The tips and the outter edges of the plants are yellowing and curling upwards and u can see them in the pics. even the new leaves im getting in are eventually turning...
  19. ganjafarmer16

    BURNING? or something else

    hey man im really new at this...was wondering which nutes i should give them and which brand? what is EC value?
  20. ganjafarmer16

    BURNING? or something else

    I am using a 105 watt CFL cool white at the moment wondering if thats wat the cause is or is it just too close to the plants?