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  1. F


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  2. F

    Seeds for under $50... Need help!

    The first two pics are Killing Fields, thied one Im pretty positive is Hericules and the last one is group shot of CheeseBerry Haze, KF, Hericules and HerijuanaXBigWhite... All very delicious.
  3. F

    Seeds for under $50... Need help!

    I got 17 seeds from Sannie and paid $125. Alittle over $50 for 10 but this is what you might expect from his genetics...
  4. F

    Electrical Issue!!

    Gonna try to make this short but as detailed as I can. Vegged 12 plants for 6 weeks under a 600w mh and 300 watts of t5 flouros. Never an issue with the electricity. Yesterday switched the light cycle to 9pm to 9am, now using one 600 hps and one 1000 hps each on seperate 20 amp circuits with...
  5. F

    Indoor Perpetual Closets

    Awesome looking plants man!! Im currently 18 days into flowering some kf, herc, and hbw along with cheesebeery haze. Was just wondering how long did it take for your purple kf to start showing the purple?
  6. F

    Brown/Gold Spots on fan leaves

    Highly doubt its a fungus, I had what looks like the same issue, bought some MagiCal (cal/mag) and stopped it from all new growth. Check the link...
  7. F

    Need diagnosis/cure please.

    Thanks for all the replies fellas, to answer some questions, yep same mix for all the plants. As far as the ph goes Ive heard so may different suggestions for ph levels in soil, fox farm says 6.3-6.8, other posts Ive read say 6.5-7.0 and the dude at local grow store said I was crazy to...
  8. F

    Need diagnosis/cure please.

    Any suggestions, I really dont think it is th pH, all the other plants look fine.
  9. F

    Need diagnosis/cure please.

    my mix is 6.3 and runoff is 6.2
  10. F

    Need diagnosis/cure please.

    Plant is 14 days into 12/12 at time picture was taken, using fox farms full lineup at ph of 6.3, soil is ffof, ffhf, and perlite. Lighting is 2 600w hps along with 2 90w LEDs. Temps are 76f-80f when lights are on and 62f-66f when off, my humidity is pretty low im sure with 20-25% when lights on...
  11. F

    Someone please help with diagnosis/cure.

    Thanks for the lightning quick replys fellas, Im using the ff lineup, so I should juststart there veg schedule? And maybe water everyother day?
  12. F

    Someone please help with diagnosis/cure.

    Plants are 3 weeks and 3 days from sprout, grown in happy frog, ocean forest and perlite all equal parts. I have givin them zero nutes and watered one every 3 days with tap water ph'd to 6.3. A week to 10 days ago this started and has done nothng but gotten worse. Temp and humidity is a constant...
  13. F

    Temp, humidity fluctuation??

    Correct, I do not have intake air going into the closet during the dark period. By doing this it should keep my dark period humidity lower right?
  14. F

    Temp, humidity fluctuation??

    During light I have a 20" fan blowing into the closet for circulation along with central air ducting running directly into the closet, 6" duct fan sucking air out into the attic, the 20" is not blowing in because I cover the closet with a blackout curtain during dark but central and exhaust is...
  15. F

    Temp, humidity fluctuation??

    Whats up rollitup? First post/grow. Have 3 OG Kush growing under a 600w HPS in a 3x5x7 closet, 23rd day of 12/12, feeding full line of fox farm nutes and molasses every other watering. The plants seem to be very healthy. My question/concern is when the light is on the temps are 86f-89f which...