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  1. Z

    Female or Male ?

    Cant make better shots, sorry.But I think its female too comparing to the Image of GrowTech..Thanks all
  2. Z

    Female or Male ?

    I'm using liquid from the shop that contains N,P,K 20% each but thats only some drops per 1 liter water.They have also not much sun ,only 4-5 Hours each day .Is that so big problem ?
  3. Z

    Female or Male ?

    Hi everybody , can you say male or female is the plant ? Thank you .Also every 4-5 days 6-7 leaves from the plant is like burned and I'm removing them .What coud be the problem ? Plants are sitting nex to the window .Im not using any lights ...Only watering every two days like 200ml per pot.
  4. Z

    how to make plants grow quick as possible

    :) Thats good news Pizzzh ..I also started using but not mixed with water .Just watering them with pure milk :)
  5. Z

    how to make plants grow quick as possible

    FDD2blk I 'm from Bulgaria ,here we don't get much money ,so please tell me about it
  6. Z

    how to make plants grow quick as possible

    Hello there ,I also wanna find if there is a way to grow a little faster .I mean except the lights . I have read that you can use milk instead of water so plant gets stronger and the buds with softer taste .Is that true according to you and if you know any trick or something interesting post it...