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  1. K

    Black, brown spots, tips curling. Need help please.

    I want to let everyone know my girl seems to be doing great. Some leaf burn but everything else looks good. It seems to stop taking over the plant. Thanks dangledo, Some of your condition questions were answered in previous post. Not meaning that in a mean way at all. I plan to maybe flush...
  2. K

    Black, brown spots, tips curling. Need help please.

    Hey thanks Kriegs. It seem to get really bad the first day or two after the flush, but it looks like it stop for the most part. I also did a little trimming and took off the leaves that where mostly dead/burnt. Kept everything that it still green.
  3. K

    Can you smoke a one paper all to yourself in one sitting?

    I agree with this, to a point though, but man I know how that feels. Don't even want to smoke with buddies because I know I wont get high. I can smoke with some friends and after they are done I can take one to head my self and sometimes still not feel anything. I do take breaks though...
  4. K

    WTF is wrong with my plants? Anyone?

    Same this was happening to mine and it was Mag deficiency. I was using soil I mixed with no nutes and that same stuff started on mine around that same size as yours did. I got Epsom salt and I use half of whatever it says to use of the package. I should of know better having the same problem...
  5. K

    Black, brown spots, tips curling. Need help please.

    Edit: This happen the last few times, but I was using MG bloom 15-30-15.
  6. K

    Black, brown spots, tips curling. Need help please.

    A friend gave me some 20-20-20 he has been using with no ill effects. Going to use that for awhile and see what happens.
  7. K

    Black, brown spots, tips curling. Need help please.

    I'm using Foxfarm soil. I use epsom salt, 1Tbsp per gallon. Water pH is at 7. I'm lost. I figured putting up pictures, someone would know what this is. I bought some nutes last year but never used it on my other 2 failed grows. I started using it this time. Was looking at it the other day...
  8. K

    Black, brown spots, tips curling. Need help please.

    When I first noticed this happening I stop feeding nutes. About 2 days ago I flushed and it got worst. This has happen with my last 3 grows. Not sure what week or day it is into flowering. I thought I would be able to remember, but. I would like to know what is causing this and how to stop...
  9. K

    Rubbermaid 4 24w T-5 HO need advice on these lights.

    So anyone got any advice on these lights?
  10. K

    Rubbermaid 4 24w T-5 HO need advice on these lights.

    OK so I went back to the hydro shop today. The lights are from, anyone ever hear of or use them? Here is the setup I was thinking about getting for the flowering tote. It comes with 4 6500k bulbs, but I want a 50/50 or 75/25 2700k/6500k...
  11. K

    Rubbermaid 4 24w T-5 HO need advice on these lights.

    Here are some pictures of flower room setup now. 2-40w 2700k 2-23w 6500k Temps stay below 80, and that is at the highest point in the tote. When temps get higher in the summer I can add more/bigger fans. 2 passive intake holes at the bottom. The only plan I think that will work the best for...
  12. K

    Rubbermaid 4 24w T-5 HO need advice on these lights.

    Let me start by telling everyone my end goal. I would just like to grow enough so I will never have to buy again. My plan is to use a spare closet. 2 totes, one for mother/ clones/ Veg room and the other for a flowering room. As of right now I only have one tote. Local hydro shop has a 2 foot...
  13. K

    day 19 cfl closet grow some lovely girls

    How many CFls and how many watts? Got any pics of your hood/light setup?
  14. K

    200w CFL Closet Grow!

    When I say 200w, I mean the cfl wattage's, not the incandescent replacement wattage. The 68w one at Lowes, which they say is like a 300w incandescent is not the same bulb I'm talking about though.
  15. K

    My First Grow, 200 Watt CFL,Green Crack-Master Kush

    Oh yea, I'm saying that the guy told me they do not make 200w 2700K. He has a 200w 6500k though. Another thing is that the 105w or 125w is 2700k, but he said I'll need the light hood with self ballast because they will blow out really fast with out them, but he was kinda mumbling something too...
  16. K

    200w CFL Closet Grow!

    How much was the yield. Thinking about getting similar setup, but they don't make a 200w 2700k bulb.
  17. K

    My First Grow, 200 Watt CFL,Green Crack-Master Kush

    Hey I was wondering what the Kelvin rating that bulb is? There is a shop around here that has one but it is a 6500K. If I can get away with using it for flowering I'll grab it, but they have the 125w 2700K bulbs. I wasn't sure which one I should get. I would like to get the 200w, but dude said...
  18. K

    Need Help! Leaves curl, turn yellow/brown/black

    Thanks for the info Stoney Mcfried. Yes I have a fan at the top blowing air out. You can see it at the top of one of my pictures. I'm wondering if that is what is also wrong with my fish tank. I want to make a batch of some pHed water. Can I put peroxide say in a gallon of water and use it...
  19. K

    Need Help! Leaves curl, turn yellow/brown/black

    I have some pots ready for when I was going to transplant them. I'll put them in there with new soil mix. Some more pictures. Edit: And do you think mine look like this....
  20. K

    Need Help! Leaves curl, turn yellow/brown/black

    Everything got wiped down and sterilized before I started this batch, cept I used the old soil (lesson learned). I've done alot of research/reading before doing this. I have Jorge Cervantes Bible sitting next to me. Plus I have watched numerous videos and read many books on growing. I have the...