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  1. M


    perfect the same as mine but i have more blue lights... if you can you should try to get hold of one that comes with a controller that you can switch through the color spectrums (a reostat) this will help providing the correct spectrum throughout veging and flowering and mabey shop around a bit...
  2. M


    if your talking feet (3x3) you will need about 200-300 in a series i currently run 500 in my veg box and its 5x6 foot... and they all run off 12 volt at 800mA witch is about the same as any old nokia phone chager
  3. M


    look into leds (light emitting diodes)!!!!!!! there worth it
  4. M

    Lighting Question

    you could go with a hps or mh but have you done any research on leds (light emitting diodes) they are a little bit more pricey but almost zero heat and less than a quarter of the power consumtion, that said you can also use different color spectrums for vegging/flowering ect. and the lifetime of...