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  1. Zoikes

    Scooby Doo Plus Shaggy = Stoners?

    No doubt about it Shaggy and Scooby smoked a shit load of weed. I loved cartoons as a kid, then i grew up and then i started to love mj. Then going back on the cartoons i loved one day (which mainly consisted of Scooby Doo) i started to notice they always had the munchies. I had a 2 and a half...
  2. Zoikes

    yellow leaves HELP !!!

    Yeh the 2 last leaves looks to me like a MG problem. Its natrual for a plant to kill off its lower leaves, as instead of using them to help with the photosynthesis of collecting light + water, instead they use them as food... something nutritous to the plant. If you lose one or two leaves over a...
  3. Zoikes

    150w or 250w HPS? +Pics

    It's a 125w red cfl and currently it is at a 32 degree's, but i have yet to setup a vent system, all i want to know in that small ammount of space will the hps start burning the walls or start to melt shit, which in that case ide be sad :(. I have measured the sun system on-line and got the...
  4. Zoikes

    150w or 250w HPS? +Pics

    Hello there! I've got a rather small grow area to work with and it's time to upgrade my lights. I've done the research and my 125w cfl at the moment has served me well, but i want bigger buds :]. Im not so good on my electrics and i have no knowledge of heat dispertion of a hps, so i want to...
  5. Zoikes

    Snow White & Blue Mystic....Time to Chop???

    Making me drule... :P
  6. Zoikes

    smoking freash wet bud is it a good taste of whats to come?

    I harvested my chronic plant yesterday. I made a box and everything to let it cure, so i just had to have a little sample. Im not an everyday smoker, just occaisionally :] I had 3 bongs of one nug, about 2X2 inches, it lasted 3 bongs! :L (small bong, not huge :|) It was a lil harsh, but a drink...
  7. Zoikes

    Discolouration of cuttings / clones leaves | AHHH!!

    I have 4 cuttings of a chronic plant. The medium i am using is soil, but i know its not the soil, as the main plants we took the cuttings off were moved to flowering after we took them. The cuttings are 3 weeks young nd they have showed some discolouration on the tips, and its moving around the...
  8. Zoikes

    Cuttings - Soil or Rock Wool? Rooting Substance?

    What about nutes , if i use soil should i mix in the miracle grow potting mix and the bone meal like usual or would adding nutes harm them at this stage?
  9. Zoikes

    Cuttings - Soil or Rock Wool? Rooting Substance?

    Bump? (CHAAAR LIMIT! :L)
  10. Zoikes

    Cuttings - Soil or Rock Wool? Rooting Substance?

    Hey dudes Before i start, if you want to know my growing conditions, they are: Soil (bone meal, mg potting soil) CFL light Sorry for the pointless list. LOL BTW I grew one from a seedling with this soil, so i know there is no problem there. I want to take a cutting from one of my babys i...
  11. Zoikes

    stealth speaker Grow

    Try putting cotton wool around where the fan is fixed, it dampens the virbrations ALOT, also sponge is good, so sponge the fan case and tape it, also try to hang the fan instead of nailing it into the side, you can put a piece of sponge where the nail is going if you do nail it, easeh :D :D...
  12. Zoikes

    stealth speaker Grow

    Awesome thinking man, now you can take it through customs :D!! Fuck that :L :L :L Lets hope u pull a few ounces in the time ur using that speaker :) GL!
  13. Zoikes

    UK: Cheese Cuttings?

    Im afraid its true boys, the number 1 enjoyable weed in the Amsterdam poll is cheese. The ORIGINAL cheese. I bought a cross between cheese and something else, i think it was some super skunk or PPP. £30 for 10. only 2 germinated. And one of them is dieing. These are HARD to get, and ive just...
  14. Zoikes

    Flowering with CFL's????

    I have a wardrobe type closet, where you would hang up your jeans and suits etc. I have purchased a CFL Envirogrow 67000 spec for Veg, and a 27000 for flower. It cost me around £50, but this includes the hangers, and it is HARD AS HELL to get the apparatus for lighting like this around my...
  15. Zoikes

    Is this cheap pH/light/moisture teaster good?

    Right... This mother fudger came in the post and it does work perfect, the Ph however isn't top notch, its abit off but gives you the idea of your soils true Ph. The light is like 10 - 5000, whatever the fuck that means, and it has a moiste rod too which isn't that accurite, but again gives...
  16. Zoikes


    Ive just rememberd, the one that is curling up and browning has got abit of bone meal in the soil. What i have done to mix my soil, i have some; Bone Meal Garden Soil MG Potting Mix Perlite That is all The problem has got much worse, half the leaves are so brittle, i just touched the tip...
  17. Zoikes


    SWEET JESUS! Can somebody help me out, it started out as just browning of the tip of the leaves, but now its spread. I water it every 2 days, its got a mix of bone meal, premium MG potting mix, and normal soil with abit of perlite Ive gave it as exactly like my otherplant, which is doing...
  18. Zoikes

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Nice people, ther eshould actually be aseperate home page thread for UK growes, im currently growing Cheese and power plant, i bought 10 of those 2 strains in seeds, and only 2 have tap rooted, its been like 10 days now... Big juicey blackish brown they are :P :P :P
  19. Zoikes

    Is this cheap pH/light/moisture teaster good?

    ok thanks dude, is it accurite on the ph scale too? because i went out and got some shit from the store and mixed it in with my soil, ive got 60% soil 15% perlite 5% blood fish bone/meal 20% MG potting soil The soil isn't compost, its like 'Premium soil' shit. Thanks
  20. Zoikes

    Topped @ 6 wks, PICS

    They look nice, i dont see what the problem is with MG, my friend uses it and his end product is niiice. Your plant looks nice and healthy so yeh. Are there any tuts on Topping, i cant seem to find any :/ thanks.