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  1. Kiera

    my kid tryd 2 kill my seedlings lol

    My very first grow ever one of my dogs knocked a seedling with only one set of adult leaves off of the shelf with her tail, the damn thing is like a whip. It fell about 4 feet, the dirt flew everywhere, but I picked it up, replanted it, soaked it with water, Superthrive, and Hesi root complex...
  2. Kiera

    Taking weed from Amsterdam to Ireland

    Just pull a Brokedown Palace move and smuggle it with some hot dumb girl that looks like Claire Danes. Seriously, I've never flown into LGW or anywhere in the UK from Holland, but I have flown to JFK direct twice, and they do look at the AMS arrivals a little cockeyed. As long as your doing...
  3. Kiera

    CO2 Idea, any thoughts?

    Check this out, it says that if you spend 70 minutes a day inside the room it produces enough CO2 to make it to that magic 1500ppm number. There are so many variables, though. I'm thinking I should buy something to meter what the actual CO2 content of my air is...
  4. Kiera

    CO2 Idea, any thoughts?

    Ok, after further research, for my situation this is a horrible idea. To make enough CO2 to enrich an 8x8x8 space I would need 2lbs. of baking soda and 5 gallons of vinegar daily. Apparently muratic acid (HCL) works more effectively, but hydrochloric acid can also be pretty dangerous...
  5. Kiera

    Atheist Tattoo Ideas- Help!

    You could always go with a tattoo of the Invisible Pink Unicorn, she's kind of the patron saint of atheists. Though I'm not quite sure how to do that since she is, by definition, invisible. As far as atheism quote, Richard Dawkins is one good source, but there are many many people to choose...
  6. Kiera

    Could we please stop living under the assumption that everyone here is male?

    Hey y'all, I just thought I would throw my two cents in as a female grower who is new to the site. Ok my two cents, "who effing cares" if someone refers to you as a dude, and you aren't a dude. That being said, most of you are cool as hell but some of you guys are total assholes and make me...
  7. Kiera

    Papaya and White Widow journal

    Hey y'all, I figured I would post my first grow journal. I've had luck with Papaya before (chosen for its short stature), but this is the first time trying a plant with more height, WW. I'm using soil, eventually 1000w switchable, ocean forest/perlite medium, grow big/big bloom/tiger bloom...
  8. Kiera

    Just Placed Order with

    Yeah I only ordered 5 fem seeds because I had heard the horror stories. I was looking for a shorter, medicinal feminized strain and they carry Papaya and it was only $30 so I decided to roll the dice. All 5 seeds germed and all 5 sprouted, so far so good, we'll see.
  9. Kiera

    What should be my ph level

    Where are you venting your air? From what I know the icebox cools the air as your fan passes it along to your exhaust duct, which I would think is only necessary if you are venting direct outdoors to mask IR signature. Someone with more experience can correct me if I am wrong, but insulated...
  10. Kiera

    Just Placed Order with

    I'm smack dab in the midwest, in the state that's high in the middle and round on both ends and I ordered from Nirvana two weeks ago and got my seeds in 5 days as well. And to the OP, maybe you might not want to mention how the seeds were packaged, remember it's not just stoners that read this...
  11. Kiera

    What should be my ph level

    I'm pretty sure what you have there is meant to test water Ph, which is ok. What you need to do is to collect some of the runoff from when you water your plants, you know the stuff that seeps through the little holes, and put that in the vial, add the drops, then compare it to the colors on the...
  12. Kiera

    ohio sucks dick

    Hey, OhighO here as well, hypothetically speaking someone I know allegedly had no problems getting seeds from Nirvana-shop (the SB that advertises on this site) as well as Herbie's Head Shop in the U.K. But srsly, you are on the right track with grow-your-own, Ohio is a pain in the ass place to...
  13. Kiera

    CO2 Idea, any thoughts?

    I know you didn't mean it that way, but small scale doesn't necessarily mean half-assed. Right now the seedlings are under a four bulb T5HO fixture and in two weeks they'll go under a 1000W MH then HPS for flowering (switchable ballast). I have a ducted, filtered exhaust system and monitor...
  14. Kiera

    CO2 Idea, any thoughts?

    I understand what you are saying, but what I was proposing was filling a balloon with the CO2 from the baking soda/acetic acid reaction and letting it slowly leak out over time with the pin pricks through the pieces of tape. I think I am going to try both, I'm small scale too and have never...
  15. Kiera

    CO2 Idea, any thoughts?

    I have two, you're welcome to borrow one. And unless you feed dogs a natural diet, dog poo makes shitty (pun intended) fertilizer.:twisted:
  16. Kiera

    CO2 Idea, any thoughts?

    Hey y'all, I was channeling 7th grade science and Mr. Wizard and thought of a cheap and easy way to enrich with CO2. I'm looking for someone with a scientific mind to tell me why this won't work. I remembered using a soda bottle and mixing vinegar and baking soda to fill up a balloon attached...
  17. Kiera

    shed in a shed???? IR detection help plz!

    That's just in the US, it's based on a US Supreme Court ruling. In the UK, from what I know, it's Orwellian with the video surveillance.