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  1. M

    Stress a male to force hermaphordism

    you can turn a male into a female, i know this because i have done it, not a very good one mind you but it works, although it was a one off on an outdoor grow, where i live we get frosts in winter, i had a plant in a pot that i started late and started to turn male, was only 2ft high, so i...
  2. M

    hydroponics help

    really need to know what your setup is first, it will make the difference between feeding them and poisoning them
  3. M

    Light Turns off and wont turn on again

    wasn't overheating or anything, just dodgey wiring tripping the fuse,
  4. M

    Light Turns off and wont turn on again

    Yeah it was the ballast, took it back, he pluged it in, straight away he says, "hmmm thats not right", then hands me a new one, been fine ever since
  5. M

    Urgent hermie help

    Just get what you can now, its just going to keep growing them so cut your losses, what you should me more concerned about is where this male plant came from, mind you the pollen can travel for miles, still, you will need to steralize Everything before you start again, and no, if the pollen is...
  6. M

    In desperate need for help

    probably, if you can discribe the problem, there is most likley a solution for you alread in these forums
  7. M


    only way to really get caught is to A: get yourself in some sort of trouble ( break the law elsewhere ie steal a car or something silly like that ) B: by talking about it, every person you tell or knows that it is there, is 1 more person that has to go on your suspect list if anything goes...
  8. M

    Some root breakage when transplant

    A bit new to this arnt you, depending on how the roots are growing, for example, if they start getting root bound to the pot, cutting back roots is necessary to promote them to grow into there new medium, it dose take them a little while to recover, but thats only because the plant spends more...
  9. M

    Light Turns off and wont turn on again

    Ive got a Lumatek 600w ballast and a Powerplan 600w hps light, i turn it on in the morning, it works fine for about 2 hours, and then it dies and wont work again untill the next morning. WTF is happening here. there is nothing else attached, just wallplug ballast shade then light. what could be...