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  1. T

    Screen of Green ScOG Method? Help?

    my growing space is under 3 feet. 2 ft tall to be exact. its a sativa and its about 3 weeks old and i heard using a screen is a good way to keep the yeild high and the highth low is that true and is it to early to do this to my plant?
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    broken roots

    can i still get buds thats all im worried about
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    broken roots

    well my one plant that had the same prolbem is doing just fine there was still some roots left just not a whole lot
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    broken roots

    i got two plants going and i did the same thing to both. the seeds were from really shitty bud n i hope the end result is better than the bud it came from
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    broken roots

    thanks alot i thought i killed my plant
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    broken roots

    should i still keep my lights on or what?
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    broken roots

    how long will that take?
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    broken roots

    alright im pisseed. i was transplanting my plant and i wasent thinking and instead of digging up the roots i pulled the main stem. and i heard a snap. i broke off the damn roots. theres still a little bit left. is my plant gonna die? or did i cause shock. any advice on what i should do would be...
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    Pulled roots off , Pics included

    i did the same shit bro.
  10. T

    short plant. help me

    its from a shitty strand of bud i was breaking my bud up and i got like 20 somethging seeds and i had more seeds than i did bud then i got the idea of growing. i just started low stress tranning hopefully this will keep my plants short and ill get alot of buds. im still gonna keep my lights on...
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    short plant. help me

    im a new grower and im growing inside a 3 1/2 ft. tall box. bout 2 ft wide. i have a midgrade plant from bagseed. ive been growing about 3 weeks and its only 4 in tall and has only 4 single leaves that dont even look like a marijuana leave. i have a 2 ft. floursent tube 15w. and a 660w regular...