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  1. T


    haha when i wrote this i took an extra one 50mg and the room shrunk haha but idk i just got this wierd feeling i wasnt like in reality for a rew seconds when it first hit me
  2. T

    ?(mom)? where are my keys for my grow room?

    hahahahaahaaha man only reason you typed that is because you wanna feel like your something, but your not, i just told my story about what happend in hopes somone would tell me what to do to unlock the gun locker but you guys clearly just proved that your really immature and dont know what to do...
  3. T

    ?(mom)? where are my keys for my grow room?

    lol wow man im in no fuckin state of mine to tell you to fuck off right now because clearley you suck at life and im at home eating perscription pills like candy so fuck america
  4. T

    ?(mom)? where are my keys for my grow room?

    she doesnt know about the plants man shes litterally crazylike doesnt know man she fuckin just walked in and took a random object that belonged to me your fucking retarded now mother fucker the only reason you probobly grow pot is because your sick of buying oregano with seeds in stems in it...
  5. T

    ?(mom)? where are my keys for my grow room?

    wasnt temper tantrum LOL i was fucked up on speed im fucked up right now i forgot to type it in there when your on fucking 200mg of ritalin man thats your immidiate action is "wat????! BOOM" and i was looking for my keys in my basement because i thought i droped them and cut my wrist on broken...
  6. T

    ?(mom)? where are my keys for my grow room?

    she doesnt know about the plants and she never will, if i can get ahold of my dads keys he has the key i need but he doesnt live with me an wow man i chewed like half my script up
  7. T

    ?(mom)? where are my keys for my grow room?

    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my babies are gunna die man what do i do!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? i left my room for like 20 minutes and my mom stole my shit!!!!!! i recently on the 25 turned 18 and she...
  8. T


    haha im on it right now 150 mg i just feel wierd thats it sorta like a high last time i took it my face got all tingly and i freaked out haha but you pissed everywhere that makes me feel like im tripping balls is what im writeing real?
  9. T

    help i think my plants retarded!!!!

    ok my marijuana is growing funny, my plants have never done this before! ok the first set ofleaves (after cotyledons) is growing out fine and 2 days ago the second set, leaves with 3 came out but they go out and then slump down and the tips curl downbut other than that it looks healthy:wall:
  10. T

    1 plant 67 watts in CFL total?

    i have a plant 16 days old and i have 3 cfls in there with it and a flouro (15watt) cfls are 2 13 watts and 1 26 watt and flouro 15 watt (67 watts total) and in incandecent thats like, 300 watts if a 32 = 150watt so is this enough to flower im trying to get 200watt CFLs but theyr like 20...
  11. T

    how long will 1 hit stay?

    i mean after im done being high im thinkin about cranberry juice and smoking a bowl, i was drug tested today and passed so i might not have another for a while thats y i wanna steal a toke
  12. T

    how long will 1 hit stay?

    how long will 1 hit stay in my system if i dont do enything to force it out of my system? my BMI is 22 if that helps weighing 138lb and 5'5'' i dont have alot of fat its mostly muscle will drinking 2 gallons of water every 4 hours work it out of my system? or a gallon of cranberry juice? im...
  13. T


    is there a way to clean yourself out completely iv heard 3 gallons of water will do it but next time i fail since i just got out of rehab recently before my brother got out i goto longterm rehab (Not cool man!) thanks
  14. T


    well we are whatched while we piss and if he chugs all this water, hell have to hold it in for 6 and a half hours and i couldnt do that with a gallon of water in my blatter one time i passed a piss test by chugging cranberry juice and the water in the morning and drinking tea during the day...
  15. T


    alright i have an important question my brother is in a school for "drug abusers" and gets randomly piss tested at the risk of every days only 16 and they already sent him to rehab 1 time for morphine and pot if he smokes a bowl today which i think he did if he drank water by the gallon all...