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  1. P


    would hydro a+b be suitable for coco grow
  2. P

    I need to take clones and need a little help.

    why not just identify clones example take two cuttings from one plant and if all is good keep clones and if not so good disgard be sure to know which clones came from which plant
  3. P

    Distance of light from plant tops

    golden rule i follow 1000w 1000mm, 600w 600mm, catch my drift chaps.
  4. P

    Power bill increase and Cops

    using air con in summer and oil heaters winter cost a fortune if you know what i mean
  5. P

    That molasses stuff is awesome

    i heard it can increase yield by a quarter never tried but interested
  6. P

    How Many Lights Would I Need?

    i grow 8 plants with ease under 1 600w hps it all trial and error give them space dont cramp ,space them out remember light on leaves increases yileld,
  7. P

    Walk In Closet Grow Room Need Help

    keep opening door as often as possible to get air exchange would help if you use air pump in water