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  1. R

    +rep for help, hq pics attatched

    Im growing in a closet, I dont have to be stealth so I will try opening the door. Only problem is I have a cat so either the office or closet door must stay closed. I can only water them 1 or 2 tablespoons b/c the pots are so small so yeah, I think ill get some party cups. I thought that coconut...
  2. R

    +rep for help, hq pics attatched

    sorry, I wasnt subscribed so I thought no one was responding
  3. R

    rentjr's second grow attempt

    Im just using bag seed. Im watering with spring water so im guessing its ph 7. I dont know the ph of the coco though.
  4. R

    rentjr's second grow attempt

    wateredonce a day with about a tablespoon of spring water. under 6 26W cfl's (there were 2 per plant, my third girl died fast) Rh- about 37% temp - 75-85 degrees.
  5. R

    +rep for help, hq pics attatched

    sorry, I copy pasted from my grow journal. wateredonce a day with about a tablespoon of spring water. under 6 26W cfl's (there were 2 per plant, my third girl died fast) Rh- about 37% temp - 75-85 degrees.
  6. R

    +rep for help, hq pics attatched

    OKay, it looks to me like Im having the same issue that I had before :sad: I thought fot sure that I had problems with too many nutes in the soil, but these guys are planted in coconut coir pellets which, I believe have no nutes at all?? The only think I can think of is some kind of...
  7. R

    rentjr's second grow attempt

    OKay, it looks to me like Im having the same issue that I had before :( I thought fot sure that I had problems with too many nutes in the soil, but these guys are planted in coconut coir pellets which, I believe have no nutes at all?? The only think I can think of is some kind of...
  8. R

    NEON YELLOW -NEON GREEN....nEver seen Dis

    good looking plant. I don't know if I would call it neon yellow but... most people don't know that a photo doesn't always display the true color in print or on the internet, its called color calibration. There is also a temperature and white balance to a photo that will affect how it shows up...
  9. R

    NEON YELLOW -NEON GREEN....nEver seen Dis

    I think he's calling the plant a 'she' , unless he has his homie locked up his car...
  10. R

    NEON YELLOW -NEON GREEN....nEver seen Dis

    I hope he does have a neon plant, but if he takes it with the same camera or whatever he took the pic of the paper with, no one will be able to see anything anyway. Maybe that's his plan??
  11. R

    NEON YELLOW -NEON GREEN....nEver seen Dis

    Im not gonna call bs but I think you could have avoided all the shit talking if you would have waited to post about your bud's neon plant AFTER you took a pic. Now you have a ton of people waiting to see this freak of nature plant. Once again, Im not calling bs or talking shit, I just think you...
  12. R

    Custom Cabinet w/ 250w CFL

    wow man, your girls are looking superb! I just got my journal started and threw up some pics. I planted seed straight into medium on Dec 8th, they sprouted on Dec 11th. rentjr's second grow attempt
  13. R

    Shack's 125W CFL DIY Tent Grow

    Hey Shack, I finally got up some pics of what I've got going on now. Stop on by and take a look when you get sec :) rentjr's second grow attempt
  14. R

    rentjr's second grow attempt

    OK, my first grow didn't go so well :( The consensus was that my soil was too rich and nute burned the hell out of my seedlings. I have since then picked up some new stuff to start my girls in. I couldn't find jiffy pellets at lowes, they said it was out of season but someone had returned...
  15. R

    Shack's 125W CFL DIY Tent Grow

    awesome man, glad to hear things are going well! My little babies are off to their start. Out of 5 seeds 3 of them are growing, one germinated but didnt take off, it had a tap root but the coconut coir dries REALLY fast so one of them wilted and the other never came up. I gave them all 3 a good...
  16. R

    Shack's 125W CFL DIY Tent Grow

    looking good man. Where can I pick up some superthrive? I hear that everyone uses it when they transplant. I cant wait to see how great your ladies are going to turn out!
  17. R

    i think im a greenthumb at heart or im just obsessed!!??

    I feel ya man, My first grow was a bust but Im starting again. I dont know a lot about growing but I know I cant wait to get good at it! I love it, beautiful plant looks and smells amazing, not to mention it makes you feel funny if you accidentally set it on fire :eyesmoke:
  18. R

    Custom Cabinet w/ 250w CFL

    Wow man, lookin good! Do you know what kind of yield you are expecting yet? Those are crazy good looking. Im gonna be checking yours when it comes time for me to top. I got my pellets and planted my seeds last night. Starting a new journal tonight so Ill post you a link when I get it going :)...
  19. R

    Closet CFL Grow - My First Grow

    Yeah, the pots are all stuck together but can be separated pretty easily, I just cut a row of 5 off from the rest. That's a great idea about tearing away the bottom of the pot! An interesting thing happened with the ones I was growing before. I stopped watering them and had he lights shut off...