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  1. T

    Hey SB, Great post harvest a # every 3 weks, I have a few questions for you if you have some...

    Hey SB, Great post harvest a # every 3 weks, I have a few questions for you if you have some time. I am looking on setting upa system and had an idea that was wondering if it would work. Could you use RW with sprayers? I like the tub set up but also like the fence set up. I was thinking on...
  2. T

    COuple of start up questions ( Newb)

    I am looking to start something up but have a few questions before I keep my research going. I have been reading the site a while and following a few journals. here are my couple a Qs Can you run the same type of set up for grow out and flowering? I have seen the ones that look like fence...