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  1. G

    Grow Room Floorplans. Here to help.

    WTF? Am I just vapor here. Am I missing some protocol or something?
  2. G

    Grow Room Floorplans. Here to help.

    No one has any feedback?
  3. G

    Grow Room Floorplans. Here to help.

    After going over these threads for months, I've decided to go for it and build my own grow room. Scooby I would love your input. I've attached a schematic of the room I have available to grow. I will be growing organically using Sub's super soil. Ace of Spades is the strain I will be growing...
  4. G

    The Main-Lining Thread

    Hey Everyone. So I read through the entire thread and took notes. I'm a new grower and just finished my grow room. The dimensions are 10x12x9. I'm planning on putting 4 1000w lights in the flower room. I'm using super soil as a medium. Just wanted opinions on how many plants to put in...