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  1. smashed

    My babies need help ( 2 )

    These plants ars about six weeks old are they small for there age ?
  2. smashed

    My babies need help ( 2 )

    My last post ( my babies need help ) there where some pics with no nutes they had started to discolour and dry then ? :confused:
  3. smashed

    My babies need help ( 2 )

    Hi there all I hope someone can give me some advice about three days ago i gave my two babies some nutes for the first time after advice from you guys i have given them formulex . My tap water ph is 7.5 (after getting a ph meter ) but drops to 6.3 when i added the 2 mil of the above nutes the...
  4. smashed

    My babies need help

    Cheers i will do my best to find out
  5. smashed

    My babies need help

    I will try to find out the ppm's of the water are there guide lines for where it should be ?
  6. smashed

    My babies need help

    Thanks all i am taking all this feedback on board . don't know the ppm's sorry
  7. smashed

    My babies need help

    ok being a newbie i hope this is right all are in %w/v the levels are just for Formulex nitrate nitrogen - 1.72 phosphorus (water soluble ) - 0.21 potassium - 1.95 total nitrogen - 0.08 there are no details on the hy-pro bio grow and bloom for soil thats all i have on the bottle 0.5 litres...
  8. smashed

    My babies need help

    sorry npk
  9. smashed

    My babies need help

    sorry dont understand pnk
  10. smashed

    My babies need help

    sorry about that temp is 71 F and 61 RH the nutes i have are formulex and hy-pro bio thats all i have at this stage do i need anything else ?
  11. smashed

    My babies need help

    Great i will do that, what do you think has caused the leaves to tun this colour
  12. smashed

    My babies need help

    It just comes straight from the tap into a watering can. Is this bad ?
  13. smashed

    My babies need help

    Hi there very new at growing just started these little ones off these are about a month old now but they have stated to discolour any help at this stage would be greatfull to put them back on track. I am using bioG soil at this stage i have not used any nuits yet just tap water at about ph 6.5...
  14. smashed

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi there all newbie to growing, just a quick question can anyone tell me the best time to put my plants under lights as i have three plants which are on my window sill they are now 1 week old and have one set of leafs any help would be greatfull ,I am starting them under a blue eco veg light on...
  15. smashed

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi there all newbie to growing, just a quick question can anyone tell me the best time to put my plants under lights as i have three plants which are on my window sill they are now 1 week old and have one set of leafs any help would be greatfull ,I am starting them under a blue eco veg light on...