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  1. 0

    What do ya think

    5 weeks old from seed. 20/4 drip hydro.
  2. 0

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey guys. This place is great. Any advise on this picture?
  3. 0

    Welcome New Members!

    New to all of this figured I would try my green thumb out since my gardens always kisk ass. Can anybody give me their thought on if this plant is a male or female. I hope you all think that it is a male since I chopped three of them down that had these. I found another one that looks the same...
  4. 0

    Male or Female

    Think I found three males. What do you guys think.
  5. 0

    Male or Female

    Guys I think that it is a boy but just wanted to make sure. They are about 5 weeks old on 20/4. Hydro/drip.