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  1. J

    Do you have to have nutrients

    Aright, growindabudz if you don't mind me askin you one more question, What kind of lights did you use?
  2. J

    Do you have to have nutrients

    GrowinthaBudz thanks for the info bro
  3. J

    Do you have to have nutrients

    haha Jeffchr man i wasn't sure either
  4. J

    Do you have to have nutrients

    Aright i appreciate the advice and knowledge
  5. J

    Do you have to have nutrients

    IM just curious if there is anybody out there who has done an indoor grow w/out using any nutrients and had success. Or if you haven't necessarily done it yourself but know it can be done, let me know. please don't comment if your gonna tell me im stupid or i need to research cause im not...