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  1. C

    Rootbound in 2week of flowering

    what up everyone have 3ww and 3 critical growing in 11 litre pots and i noticed the roots coming out of the bottom is it ok to transplant in flowering .what should i do ?
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    ph "EMERGENCY"

    cant really help you im sure some one will but i think your over thinking i never checked ppm and never had problem i just use tap water a bit of ph down and bobs your uncle
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    hermi is it worth the hassel

    its gone i killed it.:spew: away from its sisters they dont need to see it lol
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    hermi is it worth the hassel

    i no i have to kill it plus it would be more light for the others i just didnt want to except it hermid been my first grow.:cry: so its dead ive chopped it shame
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    hermi is it worth the hassel

    so i have 6 plants all female until now one is showing both sexs so do i keep pulling off balls or pull the plug and focus on five remaining plants.There fem seeds a week into flowering:-o
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    thanks guys ill try the sand thing are gnats really that dangerous
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    Flowering Questions

    well in bloom i use iguana juice for first tree weeks and them ill use igunana juice and b52:joint:
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    ok so i have little flys in my tent and what i have read form this forum they are gnats so i tried fly strips didnt work not watering for few days didint work potato skin didnt work so im going chemical im in week one of flower so what should i use to get rid of them and are they really a big...
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    The Irish Growers Thread!

    didnt really think there was irish growers out there though it was just me im so proud rite now
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    Big problem

    ok went down and got new bulb and thank fuck for that it came on so thanks everyone for:clap: help
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    Big problem

    its a hacenda 600w dig ballast i hope its bulb ill have to get new bulb 2moro and see:wall:
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    Big problem

    Ok so i have 6 plants flowering and i went up to check them this morning and my light was off the bulb and ballast is 600 w it thicks for second but no exnation has anyone had this prob before my gear is only month old .thanks inadvance:shock:
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    Transplant in flowering

    Just wondering is it ok to transplant into bigger pots during flowering
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    Making your own seeds

    yeah just gonna finish my grow im doing at moment 6 plants all different starins and im germation 5 ww and 3 critacal mass i am going to breed them if get a male should be nice
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    Making your own seeds

    yeah i am sick of paying for seeds im gonna do it ill mix a few strains with ww male and see what happens
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    Making your own seeds

    whats up everybody just a quick question how many seeds would i get from a female plant .would it be more than 50 say:wall:
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    just take them out of light and put in dark place usely it takes from 3 days to 10 days my last seeds took a week so no need to worry yet
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    so will i just give my plants water for the next week or so and then add some flower nutes and could you reccomend some good nutes thanks for the speedy replies
  19. C


    Whats up guys and girls just a quick question im starting flowering in the next few days and i was wondering do i have to flush to get the veg nutes out before putting flower nutes in the soil:wall: