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  1. L

    4th grow

    ok got bubblegum started going to start flowering when there around 12" tall...there just now clones 4" many plants should put in my 4x4 table???
  2. L

    4th grow

    and most the time veg is 8 to 9 weeks 250 watt lid
  3. L

    4th grow

    when flowering the pants are around 20" tall
  4. L

    help with my yield

    how about bubblegum?
  5. L

    help with my yield

    ok i got a 4x4 ebb flow...1000 watt useing bc nuterients.useing 12 plant start flowering around 20" tall..only been yielding around 120 temps are 72 humidity around 40%..been useing bag seed so strain unknown...with this set up what should my yield be???and what strain...
  6. L

    4th grow

    this is my 4th yield sucks... got 4x4 ebb flow been putting 12 plants.only been yielding arounding 120 grams... i got 1000 watt buld..useing bc nutrients. keep humidity around 40% room temp 72.. strain is unknown but the high is good...what i like to know where am i going wrong???and...
  7. L


    there vegging under 250 hm light there about 6" tall and no side shoots yet....
  8. L


    We bought some seeds from a bank. They are about 3 weeks old. I guess it's the strain but it doesn't look like I'll be able to take any clones off of it. Also, I'm using hydroponic system. What is the expected yield from a thousand watt light? Has anyone been able to clone off of them? How would...
  9. L

    i need help!!

    this is my 2 grow.i got a 4x4 flood and drain 1000 wat light. 12 plants but can only get about 6 oz...what can i do to get over a pound or close to 2 pounds????been useing bc grow and flowering??
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    thx i got 12 and its pretty full....
  11. L


    how many plants can i grow in a 4x4 ebb and flow flood and drain? got 250 watt for veg. and 1000 watt for flowering?
  12. L

    Welcome New Members!

    how many plants can grow in a 4x4 ebb and flow flood and drain? 250 watt hd for veg...and 1000 watt for flowering?
  13. L

    got 4x4 ebb and flow how many plants will this grow?

    got 4x4 ebb and flow how many plants will this grow?