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  1. Trigga Uk

    Is This Normal!!!-Yellow Leafs-Week 5-12/12 (pics)

    Wots good RIU. Im in week 5 of 12/12 and all the top leafs of my two girls are going yellow and dry around the buds is this normal at this stage? Still got a 2 weeks left should i start flushing its gotta to be down by the 27th? All reply`s WELCOME....:bigjoint::leaf...
  2. Trigga Uk

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Wots Good RIU UK... Ive just bought a grow tent, never used one before and would like to no if my set up looks alright to you guys. Im useing a Aurora pro 600 watt light with a built in timer in the balace, a air extractor, a small fan and a flood and drain 4 pot system...
  3. Trigga Uk

    Need Advice (Grow Tent)

    Wots Good RIU Fam... Ive just bought a grow tent, never used one before and would like to no if my set up looks alright to you guys. Im useing a Aurora pro 600 watt light with a built in timer in the balace, a air extractor, a small fan and a flood and drain 4 pot system with clay pebbles...
  4. Trigga Uk

    New Set Up Any Tips Welcome(pics) Grow Tent

    Wots Good RIU Fam... Ive just bought a grow tent, never used one before and would like to no if my set up looks alright to you guys. Im useing a Aurora pro 600 watt light with a built in timer in the balace, a air extractor, a small fan and a flood and drain 4 pot system with clay pebbles...