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  1. M

    NC House Bill 1380--The Medical Marijuana Act!

    How long can a bill like this sit in one particular status? It's depressing to think how long red tape and stiff-necked politicians could drag this thing out. Our economy could use the boost, and so could our sick.
  2. M

    NC House Bill 1380 & 1383

    What's up everyone? I'm new to this forum - I like it so far, but the main reason why I've come here is to ask some questions. NC House Bill 1383, coupled with 1383, are pieces of medical marijuana legislation introduced last April for North Carolina. When initially introduced, these bills...
  3. M

    NC House Bill 1380--The Medical Marijuana Act!

    Hi there - I'm new to these forums, primarily because of the intense need for surfing for information on this topic. Does this bill even still have a pulse? I've read tidbits about the vote being set for today, but I absolutely cannot find any information. I take up home in the Western...