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  1. Beerazz

    ALmost finished first grow. using MG soil, nothing else...

    Did u really just use mg soil no nutes or ne thing or what
  2. Beerazz

    Organic grow 1 month cfls used!

    nice shit maybe u can help me im a new grower also trying to do it with cfls
  3. Beerazz

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    quick question new grower here have had no luch started one and it died, but i germinated another and its been takin forever to pushup through the soil, so basically what im wondering is how long is this gonna take its in a 5qt pot i have no idea how much water to use and when to start lighting...
  4. Beerazz


    5 quarts my bad not gallon
  5. Beerazz


    i barley dropped it in less then a half inch forsure when should i start putting my light on it? and any idea how much water to use on a 5gallon pot
  6. Beerazz


    germinated seed and trew it in a 5gallon bucket about 4days ago been sittin my in wardrobe gave it some water but nothing is happening how long does it usually take for it to start pushing up?
  7. Beerazz

    How much wTer

    I'm useing a 5 quart pot to grow this in so how much water should be distributed without drowning or under watering
  8. Beerazz

    help plz plant dead i think

    heres some pics of it
  9. Beerazz

    help plz plant dead i think

    transported my plant into a bigger pot yesterday and it was pretty rough not gonna lie, and today the plant looks awfull. the leaves are starting to curl and are really dark plz help me!
  10. Beerazz

    need help plant not lookin good i think

    and when i water it should i also put some water on the leaves?
  11. Beerazz

    need help plant not lookin good i think

    thank you for he responce whiteryno420 i was also wondering when i should feed it nutrients i purchased some plant tone and the numbers on the side are 5-3-3
  12. Beerazz

    need help plant not lookin good i think

    new grower here posted a couple of times got tons of responces the first time but not so much the second. basically i have no idea how much water i should be givin my little guy and when to transplant. im using a 200watt cfl only one. the temp is around 84 85 ph level 6.5. im useing a spot in my...
  13. Beerazz

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    Got a question I've been veggin for about 8 days and not to much has happened it's under a 200 watt cfl ran at all times. I have no idea wen to water and how much to water and also wen nutes come in
  14. Beerazz

    New grower hoping everything is goin ok

    Organic soil and about an inch
  15. Beerazz

    New grower hoping everything is goin ok

    So I've been vegging for about 8 days and it didn't seem like to much is happening some leaves are starting but they don't seem like their doin much after they started. My ph level is 6.5 and I'm using a 60 watt cfl that's suposed to be putting off 200watts. It's about 84 degrease in the room...
  16. Beerazz

    are 26 watt cfls ok to grow a plant with?

    The cfl's will be good fir veg I keep mine about 1.5 to 2 inches away from my plant. I'd you can afford it I'd get a nice 400 watt hps light. The cost. Some money but you'll get bigger buds. Hope some of this helps.
  17. Beerazz

    are 26 watt cfls ok to grow a plant with?

    I'm a new grower myself but I've been using 1 cfl for veg and so far it seems to be goin well just make sure the light is close so it don't strech out.
  18. Beerazz

    Big noob here need help

    So I read this box and it doesn't say anything about Kelvin on it . It says 2800 lumens and yes it is replacing a 200 watt bulb
  19. Beerazz

    help me plz

    Thanks for tbe reply i was also wondering were I could get seeds because were I'm located there's no good buds really so I'm relying on this so much ne advise is appreciated
  20. Beerazz

    help me plz

    so my guy just sprouted and the leaves are barley comming in. im usin an 200 watt cfl i posted pics of the plant. basically i need to know how uch water and how long i should keep my light on it and till when. i also need to know how to keep it from turning into a male, you hae no idea how much...