Search results

  1. indoorsavant

    Sannie Shop Chocolate Rain

    ive got some chocolate rain pollen from a buddy in the mail today,and am wondering what would be a good cross. ive got access to pretty much whatever,and am running some elites atm.indiana bubblegum,lonestars killerqueencut,kromes "the white",heath robinsons blackrose,so on and so on.... was...
  2. indoorsavant

    A Bored Electrician to Answer Your Questions

    hey retarded,i cant find the post you spoke of.nor do i understand at all what you sorry man.can you dumb it down a bit for me.i have no electrical experience.and dont know where to look for the bad connection,or how to fix i turn the power to the entire house off...
  3. indoorsavant

    A Bored Electrician to Answer Your Questions

    Whats going on man.So im having a few issues.First what does it smell like when there is an electrical problem.I was having an issue recently and my grow seemed to smell like chlorine to me.None of my outlets were bad,no fuses popping in the grow.But today when in my room i had my ac on,and that...
  4. indoorsavant

    Dr greenthumbs "dope" show test grow

    nice....still glad i invited you.were a closed group though.and rarely this lets keep it that way till you become more of a senior member.......peace out rollitup....good to visit
  5. indoorsavant

    hey man my bad,im not on this site much more into trading seeds,and still...

    hey man my bad,im not on this site much more into trading seeds,and still growing but got the learning part 50w ufo broke honestly 90w is still kicking,but the guy i got it from used must have lied about how long he used it for.ohh well.i recommend them for part...
  6. indoorsavant

    1st ever cfl stealth cabinet grow

    hey man nice much you think she will give you?just a bit of adivce,with all those floros all over the cab your actually wasting electric....what you could do is veg a bit longer to get the brances longer so they reach each individual bulb...the buld should be no more than 2-4 inches...
  7. indoorsavant

    90w ufo closet grow

    hey....yeah for sure.especially for an application such as veg/mothers.all the while using a fraction of the electric.the new 2010 model which i also own is the same as the uv model at a higher price tag though.i personally have not seen any difference side by side in my closet with clones under...
  8. indoorsavant

    90w ufo closet grow

    co2 doesnt make heat.but when you use co2 you can allow your heat to jump in the high 90s
  9. indoorsavant

    90w ufo closet grow

    hey man,no i didnt go with the light from hydroponics hut.i did go with gotham again but i got the new 2010 model with high output cree puts out 3x the lumens as my uv model from them.but the buds in my pic are from the uv model.all in all i am happy.and the rep from hydroponics hut was...
  10. indoorsavant

    yeah im not good with the hydro yet still getting my feet wet.i am running two...

    yeah im not good with the hydro yet still getting my feet wet.i am running two prepara powerplants in my tent with my veg just using it for is a great little hydro system though and you can buy one at target lol.clonng is what im trying to learn right now.ive never...
  11. indoorsavant

    EC meter? How do i convert to PPM?

    so im confused,is a ec meter what i need or a ppm tds,meter?
  12. indoorsavant

    how are things with your grow man,ive posted the new pics of buds the size of a fat...

    how are things with your grow man,ive posted the new pics of buds the size of a fat pill bottle.not the best size ive had but im happy with them.for sure,check it out
  13. indoorsavant

    90w ufo closet grow

    ok so i am back guys.sorry about that.things have been health hasnt been quite up to par lately.needless to say ive been a bit lazy with this post,but i do want to put up my finished results for everyone.i harvested my la con,and the nl a while back.i wasnt very happy with them.but i...
  14. indoorsavant

    90w ufo closet grow

    hows that smokebros
  15. indoorsavant

    90w ufo closet grow

    hey man sorry ive been away for a while.yeah it will work for go with the 90w uv or 90w highoutput through lighthousehydro.they work great and are less expensive than other higherend models available.check them out on ebay.sean the rep will be more than happy to work with you.they even...
  16. indoorsavant

    90w ufo closet grow

    yeah buddy....lighthouse is where its about to buy a new one actually.
  17. indoorsavant

    90w ufo closet grow

    wow ive been gone for a while lol.ive harvested my la con,and nl already.also last night 2 of the mangos.anyway to answer your question,the 400w hps put out 6,800 usable lumens and the 90w uv puts off 3,600 in just got the numbers mixed up.
  18. indoorsavant

    kushi kush

    ive been thinking about using AN.kushi hush looks cool,but i agree that they are just marketing to our community.but hey why not.they supposedly spend cash hiring scientists to come up with formulas that work well with not saying they wont also work with other plants but when they...
  19. indoorsavant

    Aquatek CO2 Regulator any good?

    hey man i stumbled across your post and thought shit i just bought the aquatek an set it up because its pre set its not able to be used?there is a flow meter but the pressure is set at 30 lbs whatever that means...please let me know as i am worried i just wasted my cash on this...
  20. indoorsavant

    co2 tank questions

    ok so i know this is someone elses thread but i need help.when i crank my tank co2 comes from the know instead of my confused please someone help.