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  1. ghostridermike

    SH Bubbleponics grow, 400w MH/HPS, 3 Sour Diesel, 3Northern Lights

    Fry you left where are you posting now??
  2. ghostridermike

    DWC/Bubbleponic Grow: Cheese-White Widow-PPP 1st Hydro Grow

    Is there anyboday out there????????????????????
  3. ghostridermike

    DWC/Bubbleponic Grow: Cheese-White Widow-PPP 1st Hydro Grow

    Where I get my MMJ they call themselves a "non profit" co-op. Clones, edibles, pot growing classes, cooking classes, and of course gourmet marijuana and hash. California has done one thing right lately and that's thier MMJ laws and it's provisions.
  4. ghostridermike

    Leaves Curling Up

    Lights are too close but by only a few inches. I had the same exact problem with my white widows
  5. ghostridermike


    Hey man use water for the last week to flush the plants of built up ferts, just don't be wishy-washy about the time between you start that (water only) and the time you chop or they will suffer. I don't recommend those flush products they leave thier own taste as well.
  6. ghostridermike

    DWC/Bubbleponic Grow: Cheese-White Widow-PPP 1st Hydro Grow

    Actually I did not end up using the PPP seeds that I germed I gave them to my co-op to grow and if they get something out of it I will get a little too. Thanks for looking in my man.
  7. ghostridermike

    To Top or Not?

    Well I fimmed em check em out.
  8. ghostridermike

    DWC/Bubbleponic Grow: Cheese-White Widow-PPP 1st Hydro Grow

    1 day later and I see they got thier res change growth spurt very nice. The White Widow is looking very impressive and I have good feelings for that plant.
  9. ghostridermike

    DWC/Bubbleponic Grow: Cheese-White Widow-PPP 1st Hydro Grow

    I would honestly like to go another month and my ceilings are 10 ft high and I have a whole bedroom to work with. Possibilities are pretty endless, within reason of course.
  10. ghostridermike

    DWC/Bubbleponic Grow: Cheese-White Widow-PPP 1st Hydro Grow

    I removed the pump and feeder tubes on day 24 from seed I sprouted on thanksgiving so they are 30 31 days old at this point. My roots are looking great and white with one huge anchor like yours coming out of one of my little net pots with the big widow. Overall looking good so far and I was...
  11. ghostridermike

    SH Bubbleponics grow, 400w MH/HPS, 3 Sour Diesel, 3Northern Lights

    Check my thread Fry New pics my man
  12. ghostridermike

    Can someone please help(pics included)

    Your killing your plant with that shit it is way to concetrated to use on your plant IMO. Try 1/4 strength if you have to use it but Miracle grow might not have every thing you need.
  13. ghostridermike

    +rep for help, hq pics attatched

    Yeah but it would not do this becuase I have 40% humidity all year and do just fine.
  14. ghostridermike

    +rep for help, hq pics attatched

    Under those lights I bet the temp gets to above 92 degrees even with cfl's which will kill mj or stop it from growing. If you want to grow you have to fix your heat problem with intake air from outside or try a wall mounted/window AC. Also try a little less water. MJ likes a good amount of water...
  15. ghostridermike

    Can someone please help(pics included)

    What did you spray on them ??
  16. ghostridermike

    +rep for help, hq pics attatched

    What kind of light??? How much water ??? More info bro
  17. ghostridermike

    Stealth Hydro Issues

    TRUE TRUE my friend
  18. ghostridermike

    Stealth Hydro Issues

    Still high for my taste