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  1. K

    Best Nutrients?

    fox farm all the way. if youre arent going to use the solubles (which are kinda pricey) at least go with the 3 part grow big, big bloom, tiger bloom.
  2. K

    Growing with hps?!?

    i grow from start to finish under hps and have always had good results
  3. K

    Pot prices

    maybe im retarded...but whey the hell would somebody spray bud with sand, glass, etc.?! thats insane!!!!!!!!!
  4. K

    Pot prices

    here in the mid-south its going for 50-70 for an eighth. i had some afghan kush that i got for 70 and then last week i got some purp for 50 then had some pineapple kush for 55. but most people will cut you a deal for a zip at around 375-425 depending on the person, your relationship with that...
  5. K

    hey! it finally cleared customs. but literally sat in customs for 11 days before it cleared. it...

    hey! it finally cleared customs. but literally sat in customs for 11 days before it cleared. it was packed inside the mug. it should clear the xrays with no problem.
  6. K

    Ordered from Attitude, package still in customs 6 days later! anyone else?

    Lol! Yeah I was gonna go with the tshirt...but I already have one so I thought id get something differnt this time. Lol! But you're absolutely right...with that dumbass lighting himself on fire and trying to blow up a plane I'm sure customs agents are being a bit more thorough in their screening...
  7. K

    Ordered from Attitude, package still in customs 6 days later! anyone else?

    No shit....but I didn't order it 6 days ago...hell it didn't even ship from GB 6 days ARRIVED in new york 6 days ago. And yes the usps is slow...but any person living in the contenental us knows that its doesn't take 6 days for a package to travel from ny to tn. Hence why I made the...
  8. K

    Ordered from Attitude, package still in customs 6 days later! anyone else?

    I did the same and ordered in late december...the 28th I believe. But it arrived in new york on the 2nd and I called the usps today to figure out what the hold up was and the guy I spoke with looked it up on his computer and said it is still sitting in customs waiting to be cleared.
  9. K

    Ordered from Attitude, package still in customs 6 days later! anyone else?

    Has anyone else had this issue as of late??? I ordered from the attitude and the package arrived in new york on the 2nd and has been sitting there waiting to clear customs ever since. I had the seeds sent guaranteed delivery via being packaged in a coffee mug.
  10. K

    Nutrient question help!!!

    i would def use the tiger bloom with the big bloom. the tiger bloom is the supercharger, if you will, for bud development in the fox farm liquid line. but mixing shouldnt hurt. i run big bloom, tiger bloom, oneness, liquid karma, sweet, and open seasame without any lockout or nute burn and she...
  11. K

    switched to 12/12 when to expect bed devlopment??

    just added a rep for ya! thanks again!
  12. K

    switched to 12/12 when to expect bed devlopment??

    thats actually exactly what im seeing at the moment is the compaction of, what appears to be new leaves. and the genetics of my plant is afghan kush x black domina. it seems that the new growth is very compact and dense. so it sounds like im right on track with what you are saying. brilliant...
  13. K

    switched to 12/12 when to expect bed devlopment??

    it absolutely does! thanks alot! and yes mine is very indica. its an afghan kush x black very heavily indica. thanks very much for the info. it sounds like i should start to see some development in the near future. im not trying to rush her or anything i was just curious about when i...
  14. K

    switched to 12/12 when to expect bed devlopment??

    switched from 18/6 about 2 weeks ago and have been following fox farms feeding schedule with the big bloom, tiger bloom and open seasame. its a kush dominant plant thats been topped for 4 main kola's, when should i expect to see the first signs of bud development??
  15. K

    White widow breeder question

    truly excellent info and awsome insight! reps! so what are your reasons that you mentioned for going with the dutch passion WW??
  16. K

    300 Watt LED Triband lights... enough for my young ones?

    how high above the plants do you have the led panels??? remember the thing with leds is that they dont get you can put them damn near right on top of your plants to prevent them from stretching.
  17. K

    fans on plants....anyone have a good idea?

    ive got fans in my grow room...but since im growing in a very small area (3x3) i have a small fan blowing upwards towards the light so as to push as much heat as possible up away from the plant but im thinking that it isnt enough both for heat disapation as well as nice ventilation for my girls...
  18. K

    Grow ROOm setup??

    fox farm ocean forrest soil. its the best by far. it is completely organic and has some basic but yet organic nutes in it already. such as bat guano, kelp, earth worm castings etc. this doesnt mean you cant fertilize. quite the opposite. id also go with fox farms big 3 for your nutes...which...
  19. K

    Over fert or lights?

    not at all. 6 would be waaaaayyy too low. in soil 6.8 is the perfect number. this will allow the maximum uptake of of nutes. i wouldnt get below 6.4 or above 6.9