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  1. T

    thai skunk - first timer. got buds - now what?

    hello hello. im kind of in a fix. i shifted my house and have been crazy busy with work, etc so wasn't able to pay complete attention to my plant. attached are its photos as of today. looks pretty dried out and the growth has kind of stopped (partly because i haven't been able to water it...
  2. T

    thai skunk - first timer. got buds - now what?

    hi yes im aware of curing. i want to do that too. im in no hurry to consume this on new years. what about the plant itself right now? will it grow further? i am worried it might be dying for some reason. all the leaves have dryed up and gone. as i said, its a stick with buds now. so question...
  3. T

    thai skunk - first timer. got buds - now what?

    hello hello some problems lately. its december and pretty cold. its about 15 degrees celcius here. all the leaves are dying off. right now the plants buds have a grown a little since the photos in initial post but all the leaves are gone now. the plant is basically just a stick with buds now...
  4. T

    thai skunk - first timer. got buds - now what?

    ok wont be doing anything to this one. hopefully i'll have it for new years? im growing it like my other plants in my balacony. just regular tap water. it was in a smaller pot earlier, so i transplanted it once and thats when the grow just zoomed. i was spraying it with regular rap water too...
  5. T

    thai skunk - first timer. got buds - now what?

    wow. thank u all. u guys have definitely setup my confidence level now. so this does look like thai skunk right? i was going for sativa when buying, thats all i remember. dont remember the sight or what i exactly bought. how many more weeks would u say i have to wait? a close friend is...
  6. T

    thai skunk - first timer. got buds - now what?

    hello. my first time growing myself. ordered some thai skunk seeds from a website tht i dont even remember anymore. i dont have any setup. im growing in a pot in my balcony. i stay in a tropical country. i sowed 3 seeds in june. till august i had just a 4 inch plant. the weather was real bad...