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    Salvia Is Pretty Close To Being Banned.

    Ive tried the 20x extract and It was incrediblystrong, and i felt very uncomfortable like my head was half in,half out of the room. Felt very flushed and heart racing Felt totally drained after the experience. Put me right off the stuff lol
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    Ecstasy: Must-Experience Before You Die

    A beautiful substance that should never be abused, with X less is more. It opens up doors in your mind that are left open forever
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    Laughing/Happy Gas?

    I love laughing gass/nitrous oxide, they sell it at raves in balloons and it is a wonderful feeling. It lifts my mood loads too! Dont worry about it and look forward to the experience :)
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    Best Nutrients?

    I have tried the canna range and have had fantastic results using canna booster and canna flora. Within 5 days of using them, there was a noticeable spurt in rate of growth. Compared to other grows the yield was much higher, roughly 30%. Im curious to try other types, what ones are comparable...
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    Protect yourself from the Police!

    Make sure your tracks are covered, a little tip to hide your foot prints make sure you wrap bin bags over the bottoms of your boots or shoes, or whatever you wear to walk to your guerilla grow! Anyone else got any covert tactic?? :joint:# Just blaze
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    Drying Your Buds

    If you dont fancy, building something huge, use some wire and your airing cupboard. Trim your buds down, and then tie the stem with wire and wrap the other end round a pole in the cupboard. Very very nice drying rack in the pics tho K+ Peace out
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    Questions about plants.

    You can normally start your flowering flowering anywhere between 4 and 6 weeks. If you have bought them check with the company you bought them for. Or, do a search for the strain name, that should return what you need. If u let me know the strain, ill try to help you out. Peace out
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    short dense plant?

    Sounds like the plant is stretching to get to the light, make sure your room has all round reflection, a decent wattage bulb, and ensure that the plant doesnt get scorched keep it about 4 - 5 inches away from the plant
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    question about Pre-made systems

    If you are in the uk try a company called growell, they have a system for about £2000 which takes up to 100 clones, its a very effective and impressive piece of kit, they yield incredibly high also!
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    Stealth Box Grow.

    Try growing using a screen of green, train your plant through wire mesh, so you train a thick layer of buds. I would highly recommend using CFL also, and If you can spare the height increase by another foot minimum. Has any one got any pics of a screen of green to help me explain this point better?
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    Indoor cupboard grow

    Or just use some white paint thats also another good way of getting a good level of reflection. Make sure you, keep an eye on temperature in there too, we dont want those babies getting scorched
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    Those noisey fans

    Try using a small amount of wd40 spray mate, that often does the job. also perhaps try a tiny drop of bike chain lube, a very little amount, about a matchsticks head worth