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  1. L

    Northern New England Purple Power

    deer and bugs are your real problem not the pigs.
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    PC Grow,Bagseed,125w Envirolite

    yeah i would start right in 12 12. when I did this the male plants showed first and they were about 4 inches tall under a 400 hps I would expect similar results with this set up. you got em in soil yet?
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    *** i need help from my hippie smokers ***

    Im a big fan of sour D and Train wreck. you should check out some blue strains.
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    DIY: Home Made CO2 Guide

    you can do the same thing and get some home made wine out of it. Get a gallon of distilled water and put in a can of grape juice concentrate a packet of yeast and 3 cups of sugar. shake it up and put a balloon over the top with some pin holes in to let the co2 out . Make sure that the grape...
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    guerrilla growin

    Yeah Spred them out for sure! I would get some compost and manure and bring it out there and mix it in with the soil and maby some perlite to help hold water if the soil is kinda sandy. Plant 5 plants for the bugs 5 for the pigs and 5 for yourself thats what I go by! Happy grow man!
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    Dark period before harvest?

    I was wondering this to any expericend people have an awnser and a reason why?
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    Can you clone a flowering plant?

    It looks like it will be fine. It should be the same bud you have been gettin.
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    My Cousin Does Graffiti And His Step-mother Got Him Arrested

    Screw you dude if you think artist use just canvas. Part of why its so beautiful is because it has to be done discretly.
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    Art School

    Some pipes I carved over the summer!
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    What do you do when you have too much money on your hands?

    dig a hole in the woods just dont mark it with an X. You can also spend money on glass!
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    Art School

    Tell me what you think!
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    Secret jardin not comletely light proof?

    maby try some Foil Insulation Tape on the inside of the seams that are leaking if it will stick to your tent?
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    Custom Closets Guide to Building a Custom Stealth Grow Closet Pics!

    Maby add weather stripping to the door to keep the light in. maby you can make a vase vet out the top and put some rosemery to dry. when you make your can filter. looks sweet man very slick.
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    Smokin near the plant

    I ash right in the soil.