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  1. Hemptress420

    Whats Your Pot Peeve?

    Peaple using the joint ase a talking stick (when every time they get the joint the talk ase u watch the weed burn away insted of takeing thair hit).
  2. Hemptress420

    You know you're a pothead when:

    When u get so high you get some munchy food take one bite n forget ur eating
  3. Hemptress420

    +REP's are earned

    im so confused
  4. Hemptress420

    How to get a woman to shave the bush?

    chew it off lol jk but you could try to explain to her how much cleaner it is if you dont have tht hair or even tell her you dont like touching it or eating her pussy with the hair ther
  5. Hemptress420

    JohnnyO's Coffeeshop

    yes n now i have a very great fealing
  6. Hemptress420

    JohnnyO's Coffeeshop

    yes that helps allot
  7. Hemptress420

    JohnnyO's Coffeeshop

    not the best tast but a very good fealing ;-)
  8. Hemptress420

    JohnnyO's Coffeeshop

    why thanks thats very generus of you :bigjoint:
  9. Hemptress420

    JohnnyO's Coffeeshop

    can i try some of that mowwie wowwie:lol:
  10. Hemptress420

    Any good sites to watch the show Weeds?

    Preferably season 2, 3, n 4 thanx
  11. Hemptress420

    Official "Truths" about Pot.

    no way over half were smoking weed? thats crazyy. lol at the gateway drug theory part
  12. Hemptress420

    I am so sick of shit "dealers"

    Well I know it's hard to find peaple who deal from what I've seen peaple go threw but if you find a good honist dealer who won't skimp you should stick with them also wiel your bing cheated out you should probably stick to pinch hits there the most conservative