Search results

  1. pilotofatx

    Dual Areoponic Cabinet, Ceramic Metal Halide

    wow I bet those brownies will be quite tasty. Last time I made some brownies I put about 7 grams of Afgooey shake and 8 grams of Green Crack shake into them. HOLY SHIT! I ate half a square of the brownie and felt like I was levitating... Needless to say I felt like I had been hit by a train haha!
  2. pilotofatx

    Taking a Drug test(urin)

    I would have to agree synthetic, or substitution.... I have given up all hope on those detox drinks, since I almost lost my job to one of those things, I have never trusted them since. Best way is to water load if you are intending on taking a dip stick test- which cut off at 50ng/ml. Other...
  3. pilotofatx

    making Lsd

    Synthesizing LSD would be quite difficult. I had to take organic chemistry in college and barley barley passed that damn class. Unless you have a strong background knowledge of organic chemistry and thousands of dollars worth of lab equipment you wont have any luck with LSD. I suggest mushies...
  4. pilotofatx

    Question about mixing shrooms???

    Blue ringers are a pretty mild but effective shroom. I would say go ahead and mix them for the hell of it. I personally love to mix different species of mushrooms, I think it gives a more intense trip. Try frying them up with some eggs and make a breakfast burrito with them, my favorite way to...
  5. pilotofatx

    hola from tejas

    n00b here to the forums. coming to you from tejas. I enjoy mushroom cultivation most of all, been my hobby since I was about 18. I figured I would join the forums to learn a little bit more about growin' the herb, more specifically outdoor growing. Also have a couple of San Pedro cacti, had...
  6. pilotofatx

    Dual Areoponic Cabinet, Ceramic Metal Halide

    New guy to the forums here. Pulled up a chair and will be following this... This is by far one of the coolest grows I have ever seen on any forum, pretty unique set up you got going on there. Lookin' forward to seeing what the next grow has in store and possibly learning some new things!