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  1. Y

    Ordering ketamine

    There are places that will mail ketamine into the country. If customs were to find it, would they just destroy it or would they press legal action? I'm talking like enough for a few months of personal use. Aside from the risk of losing money, what are the risks involved? What are the chances...
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    advice on special k

    Ketamine is great. Its my favorite recreational drug. I would do it everyday if I had a steady connect. Too bad prices have gone out the roof and supplies are low.
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    ounce of MDMA

    Can you really get ketamine and 2CB? I would easily pay $1100 for an ounce of molly if I could get such a deal. Best price I know of is $380 for 4 grams, but I also don't know very many people who can even get it.
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    what do you guys think is the most visual psychedelic?

    I don't know why everyone says that 5-meo-dmt has little visual experience to it. The one time I tried it I was blasted into a dimension many times more visual than anything I have ever tried. I was drunk at the time too so maybe somehow that had something to do with it.
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    How Much do Cannabis Clubs Pay for Their Medicine?

    I am very curious how much clubs pay for their cannabis. For example, how much do they pay for a pound of good quality bud in LA? How much of one strain do they usually buy at a time? How do they go about finding their product? Does anyone know any info from experience or hear say? By the way I...
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    GBL Online Source?

    How much were you ordering when customs sent you the letters?