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  1. J

    Club T5

    i keep mine about 3 inches from the plant tops..if one or two plants get shorter than the rest i put them on something to keep em close to the 6 inches everything grows slower...i'm brand new to t5's tho
  2. J

    Club T5

    i got the 6500k bulbs that came with the light and there lookin good,if i switch a couple out with sum 10000k like coral/aquarium bulbs would it do better?? many bulb choices i need to get only good ones so help me out...
  3. J

    Club T5

    i just veg with the T5 so only lookin for the best veg bout the hexarc bulbs?
  4. J

    Club T5

    i just an 8 bulb 4ft T5ho set up so whats the best veg bulb i can get? i see these true blue and pure blue bulbs on ebay but are the agromax 6500k gonna work better?
  5. J

    high tempretures

    85 is the high limit 50 or so is the low..if your over 80 try turning off one light at a time,so there are 3 on and one off on timers so they change every 3 hours
  6. J

    high tempretures

    yea pics are safe
  7. J

    high tempretures

    your not already running your lights at night?
  8. J

    The Best Lighting Type For Seedlings

    i'd use the mh with a ph of 5.5 to 6 real lite on the nutes for next 2 weeks they don't need much
  9. J

    Magenta/Maroon stalk?

    you got bag seeds? you will never know what it is many plants have that same color by the middle of flower you may be able to take a guess
  10. J

    Rootbound during flowering help please??

    how big is the bucket and how big is the plant? whats your bud light?
  11. J

    24 hours lighting and drooping.

    they look fine,cold or being in the dark may make the leaves droop also overwatering them will do it
  12. J

    Day 24 cfl No clue what I am doing..does my plant look ok?

    you ever see the blue 120w spot grow bulbs? like wally world or hd has them and there better then the cfl's...i'm around if you get more into this and need some help,look at my 2 liter soda bottle hempy bucket thread
  13. J

    Just Got My Hps

    about your ?? what strain is it? that makes the most difference i've used mh light for first 2 weeks of 12/12 before to stop my plants from stretching and they still were done at 8 wks so i don't think that will slow them down at all.
  14. J

    Just Got My Hps

    i've grown in 2 liter soda bottles before..nothing but perlite.1 hole about 2 inches from bottom.put them on my back porch in the sun...watered them with the hose mostly but gave them nutes every once in awhile and they came out pretty good.i think like 12 grams each or so
  15. J

    anyone ever use bud factor x

    i did not see any difference
  16. J

    is there good trimmer afordable?

    i watched a few video's of some in action they look good enough for me but the prices are crazy ...$400 for a rocket chief looking thing you have to crank yourself,and its so small i was thinking about getting one but now i'm thinking build something ,maybe out of a box fan or something?
  17. J

    is there good trimmer afordable?

    i really need a trimmer i would spend a few hundred but not a grand.whats good?
  18. J

    Whats the Best Use of My Space? Flood and Drain?

    i did 10 5gal buckets with net pot lids before i had an air stone in each bucket but i want more auto feed with just 1 res to look at and change out +rep to beagle thanks i'll go look at those tubs ,i have a good pump and an air pump i'm leaning toward fllood tables still if those 2x3 tubs look...
  19. J

    Whats the Best Use of My Space? Flood and Drain?

    I have a 6.5x6.5 mylar tent with 2 1000w cool tubes with the big wings ..right now i have 16 , 5 gallon buckets in there but I'm thinking 4 , 3x3 flood tables would fit real nice but I've never done hydro so what would be the best way to go? about how much will a good set up cost if i go right...
  20. J

    need help fast ? about bad ballast? and light for my plants

    i was going to use the mh for now and start flushing my other stuff now so i can have that light in 2 weeks ...are these ballast fixable?