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  1. drkandy

    yes mamape but i use co2 i have trhee fan , 5 light hps 600 w one extractor temprature at 27 28...

    yes mamape but i use co2 i have trhee fan , 5 light hps 600 w one extractor temprature at 27 28 and humidity 60 70 max perfect phj for the nutrients that i use (6.3) all is perfect since from the start and over all this stuff i have 300 clone's of northen light and l.a. How much you think is The...
  2. drkandy

    A small help about Yield

    Hi guys , i want just to know how much can be the maximum yield for one clone's of northern light and the maximum possibile for a clone of l.a. with one months of vegetative stage if any one wan't to see the grow is on photo album...
  3. drkandy

    A small Help About Humidity

    Hik guys, i have a grow room , with 300 hundred clone's of northern light And L.A. Confidential Under 5 lights of 600 W. with 3 fans And one big extractor And one deumidifier and i am in the flowering stage but the temperature is 27 but the umidity stai around 70 % and i use Co2 Proffesional...
  4. drkandy

    Humidity Urgently help

    I don't know the name in english but is the box where you put the soli in italian we say VASI i don0't know in english but i'm growing in soil ..
  5. drkandy

    Humidity Urgently help

    Ah e sorry i don't have cool tubes but i have a big extractor and good entering of fresh air
  6. drkandy

    Humidity Urgently help

    Ok i don't have cool tubes, and i have deumidifier but i don't have any kind of water in my room but the grow room is bio with soil so i think is the water from the boxes there is something i can do maybe reduce i bit the time of irrigation ???
  7. drkandy

    Humidity Urgently help

    Hi guys I have a grow room with 5 hps 600 w 3 fans 1 extractor co 2 implant deumidificator and i can take the control of all this element but i cannot get down the humidity at 50 % cause i am in the flowering time and i need to almost fix at 50 what i can do is better if i reduce the...
  8. drkandy

    Humidity Urgently help

    Hi guys, i have in progress a grow room with 5 light (HPS 600w) 3 fan , one extractor, one deumidificator and co2 system with pc releaser i can check and take the control all the situation but i cannot put down the humidity at the level i nedd something like 50 per cent 45 better but itry in...
  9. drkandy


    Hi guys i need a big help to understand how much i can get from 300 clone's. So, i have 300 clones of Northern light And L.A. confidential with a grow room with 5 hps 600 w with the last riflector one estractor . Co2 proffessional system and big co2 recipient . how much weed dryed i can take of...
  10. drkandy

    Purple kush urgent question

    :fire:Hi guys i was looking everywhere to find a particular race of plant cause where i live is inlegal to buy clones and i want this particular plant called purple kush and i know is so rare and is possible to find in california but i'm really far from there i need to buy these seeds if anyone...