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  1. aesthetics

    Need Help week 5 veg Yellowing leafs PICS

    BUMP well, the yellowness was spreading and still is I guess its just natural for the bottom leafs to die off like a pair a week? or is it? man i just know its a girl but I'm not ready to flower but when I am do you think this lighting set up will do fine and with what kinda bulbs? I threw in...
  2. aesthetics

    1st grow with pics AK48, Snow White, Ice

    damn they look bomb can't wait to see what they look like in two weeks! what nutes have you been using? for veg and flower
  3. aesthetics

    1st grow with pics AK48, Snow White, Ice

    they look f'n delicious all under one 1000 hps? what are you doing for ventilation? I'm gonna start another grow here soon and I want it to be something like yours what soil are you using also?
  4. aesthetics

    white rhino first grow

    nice looking little plants you got there especially the one in the middle full and nice color. Don't worry about the one dying leaf it looks like chem burn but you can't very well fix that now can you? if it spreads just cut/pluck the leaf after it's 50%dead/yellow it will give the plant more...
  5. aesthetics

    Need Help week 5 veg Yellowing leafs PICS

    Like to control the ph of the soil right?
  6. aesthetics

    Need Help week 5 veg Yellowing leafs PICS

    been on 24 hours of two 2500k 28w =100w daylight cfl got at wally world I'm thinking just throwing a couple more warmer cfls would do the trick also the temp stays pretty high so does anyone know if those DIY yeast sugar water in a bottle will help it grow faster?
  7. aesthetics

    Need Help week 5 veg Yellowing leafs PICS

    nice its a really good color is it from seed? ya its first leafs looked retarded like cloverish. more light is def a good idea maybe two more warmer cfls and soon
  8. aesthetics

    Need Help week 5 veg Yellowing leafs PICS

    thanks yeah I'm gonna keep feeding it just molasses with its ro water for the time being and maybe add some blooming stuff further down the road. a C02 maker I think would be helpful I believe because the temperature sometimes get in the high 80s. jn811 I read on one of your post that the...
  9. aesthetics

    Need Help week 5 veg Yellowing leafs PICS

    When and how would be the best time and way to find its sex?
  10. aesthetics

    Need Help week 5 veg Yellowing leafs PICS

    hey any help would be appreciated any ideas on the strain? the yellowness doesn't seem to be spreading to much now :mrgreen: hear are a few more pics it looks like its got a bunch of branches poking up though
  11. aesthetics

    The 1000w MiracleGro Trial

    looking good so far! I'm using MG MC also on a bag-seed that's 5 weeks into vegging. Lots of people have reported nute burn using this fert probably because once the shells of those little nute balls crack they release. My plant looks really dark green but I'm starting to see yellowing at the...
  12. aesthetics

    Plant dying in a few hours?!

    maybe your other plants are mocking and abusing it when you're not around :-(
  13. aesthetics

    Need Help week 5 veg Yellowing leafs PICS

    Hello everyone!:bigjoint: I'm new to these fourms so correct me if there are problems with my post. I'm looking for a little advice on how I should continue caring for my plant. I suppose I give you the info on it so far. I started from a single bagseed that came from some really good bud. I...