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  1. N

    HELP: What's Happening to my plants?!?

    Do you think that it might be caused by water contamination? What do these yellowing middle leaves and rust spots normally indicate during a soil based grow?
  2. N

    HELP: What's Happening to my plants?!?

    What does ppms stand for? These plants are only in the second week.
  3. N

    HELP: What's Happening to my plants?!?

    Is this really alright? This didn't happen during my last 3 harvests. Why is this happening now? Look at the rust spots... is that normal?
  4. N

    HELP: What's Happening to my plants?!?

    I have had 3 successful harvests and now I am on my 4th. I have not changed anything with my process. All of a sudden several mid-level leaves started turning yellow and now there are rust spots. Check out these pictures... What do you think might be going on here? Any help would be...