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  1. J

    possible to have male and female on same node?

    Here's the back story that's got me a little concerned: I grew a plant from a bag seed (indica dominant). I took some cuttings when I started flowering. I foliar fed the original plant with the wrong solution (made a high concentration fox farms bloom for watering and ended up foliar feeding)...
  2. J

    pistil tips browning

  3. J

    Crazy high energy bill

    $20 for a killawatt. lets you know what's up. don't recall how much current it can handle, but almost 1kw iirc. check your bill. some companies have different day/night rates (usually where it's colder. you get a lower night rate since it's likely you'll be heating). some companies have a...
  4. J

    Grafting veg onto mature root system

    I haven't searched to see if this has come up before, so pardon me if it has. I read an article on a study done back in the day on grafting hops to marijuana plants, and it got me thinking.. What if we grafted young vegging plants onto a mature plant right after it's been harvested? I can...