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  1. R

    How does my plant look? 8 weeks

    I'll tell it like it is, if the plant is in the flowering stages right now, you will be lucky to get a 1/2 oz. But some smke is better than no smoke!
  2. R

    Turkey Day Harvest

    bongsmilieI'd say 90g. Looks good, many a dream's involve purple and White Widow! Should be some good smoke!bongsmilie
  3. R

    Smokinrav's supercropping technique

    Overgrow!!!! That was my site back in the day, never had an active account there, but boy did I learn a great deal about growing. I will finally have my own indoor grow going in about a month, I'll be posting pics and needing some help but this seems likea good place for that!bongsmilie
  4. R

    FINISHED! Super Stealth Apt. Setup

    Love the snakes sleeping idea! I don't know about an ounce each though, but here's hoping you do! What kind bud you got growing? Is it genetics or bag seed?
  5. R

    My first gro, all 3 girls

    I love the look of your plants man! Not to mention the perpetual harvest, looks fantastic!! I'll have to check out your other grows!!