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  1. S


    Love the idea of just using mini-cubes and pu foam. Where would you get such pu foam?
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    Schedule Flip Indoor -> outdoor

    true. I think I'll just leave em. I'm just using CFLs right now on em and thought I might get more if I stick em outside. I've already put my mothers out there to begin flowering, I'll just see how those go on their own and leave my little girls in their little flowering box. :leaf:
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    Schedule Flip Indoor -> outdoor

    Interesting. Strains are AK-47 and SKunkberry.
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    Schedule Flip Indoor -> outdoor

    Bump for any thoughts? p.s. they're currently under CFL light.
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    Schedule Flip Indoor -> outdoor

    I currently have 2 flowering plants on 12/12 from 11pm to 11am. I want to put them outside, but the schedule is totally opposite (6am - 7pm atm) What do you guys think? Should I just leave em?
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    is there a way to replenish / reuse old soil?

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    3 Strain Party Cup Grow

    Great work sicc! How many CFL's are you using per plant on the last week of flower? Sorry if you already answered this question, lotta stuff to go through.
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    Black spots on clones

    I've had my clones in a dome for about 10 days. I mist them about twice a day. Today I noticed dark spots on the leaves. Is this fungus? PHOTO: You can see it in this photo on the center clone. The top leaf has dark spots towards the epicenter of the leaf...
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    Growing medium for hydro. Looks like i can order it from the UK though. Kinda wanna give it a shot!
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    What is it made out of and where can I get it in the states? Tried google with little luck. Maybe I'm spelling it wrong?
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    Colorado Med Growers, Unite

    Co grower here. Just gettin started with some CFLs. Nothing major.:peace:
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    Nute burn. MiracleGrow HELP

    Plant has sprung back to life. I think flushing it was the right idea... I'm going to take some clippings off of it tomorrow and transplant it to a larger pot next week. Gonna keep her as my mother in my little noob grow. Thanks for all your advice everyone.
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    Smart or dumb? Plant on a turntable.

    Also I should point out that the Technics 1200 was built with more in mind than just vinyl. It's not the highest torque turntable out there, but it's pretty high. Enough to support a smallish plant. I've only got CFL's at the moment, and the plant pictured is actually going to be my mother...
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    Smart or dumb? Plant on a turntable.

    That's a lot of info. Thanks. So you think I should stop the record?
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    Smart or dumb? Plant on a turntable.

    Don't think you want it. About the only thing this 1200 is good for anymore is spinning plants!! Also, the turntable is actually spinning faster than in that image. 45RPM to be exact... Thats pretty fast. Was thinking about adding some resistance to the circuit to make it a little...
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    Smart or dumb? Plant on a turntable.

    I put my plant on an old broken turntable. The idea is that there will be no area of the plant that gets minimal light. Right. Thoughts?
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    Nute burn. MiracleGrow HELP

    don't these guys just rule? I'll wait and update soon.
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    Nute burn. MiracleGrow HELP

    Okay, before I begin, I just have to say that I'm a complete noob. This is my first grow. I figured If I'm gonna learn anything, I'm going to do it by experience, so I jumped right in with the soil. I've learned a TON reading from here, and now I need your help. I've been growing this...
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    Shack's 125W CFL DIY Tent Grow

    How are the clones doing?
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    Clone generations

    I'd like to see if we can get some consensus on this. Anyone else care to chime in with their experience?