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  1. S

    Lets talk about yields.

    hey rob mar..... 1 pound per light is the ceiling i hit as well ... i have tried 16 big plants 2 months veg from ez cloner got 1 pound....then i tried twenty shorter plants 1month in veg.. got 1 pound per light less veg time... so i cut back to 2 weeks veg and added 40 plants still 1 pound per...
  2. S

    water filter

    has anyone every used the tall boy water filter... is it worth the money?. here is my situation .. my set up is .... ebb and flood..... clay pellets( hydrotone).... 5.8-6.2 ph res temp 68-72.... room temp 70-78.... serious ventilation through several vortex fans on carbon filters...
  3. S

    Please, Help With My Ebb & Flow

    hey bro what some info... 1. you want your mothers to get huge so you can get plenty of clones off them.. 2. your going to want all the room in your ebb and flood table for your babies or your crop . SO.... 1.get deep water culture bucket system for your mothers if you can afford it...
  4. S

    Suspicion of cargo container in the country

    Hey i just read the 1500 month propane thing .... for 30kwh and 26 watts are you sure about that my friend is researching buying a standby 30kwh and running it til it breaks so..... is that a real measure of the monthly bill???? if so thats way better than PGE electric... 26 lights would cost...