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  1. Married2Jane

    Effects of photoperiod on Cannabis during Flowering...HELP!!!

    What the hell is wrong with you people? None of you has tried explaining how it works..... All of you jump to the conclusion "It doesnt Work" but no one explained WHY NOT..... I am not saying I AM RIGHT. Maybe i am wrong, but an explanation of where exactly im going wrong would be more...
  2. Married2Jane

    Effects of photoperiod on Cannabis during Flowering...HELP!!!

    Well thats why im looking for experienced growers that can EXPLAIN how it works. If you cant please dont waste my time. I have read and looked everywhere before posting. There is nothing about the effect of photoperiod length during flowering mentioned anywhere. Whether its longer nights or...
  3. Married2Jane

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    1 Plant.........week 8 of flowering..
  4. Married2Jane

    Effects of photoperiod on Cannabis during Flowering...HELP!!!

    So what you are telling me is to stick to the 12/12 coz that will produce the best quality bud with most THC and Trichomes? Sorry, but i find that hard to believe. Cannabis needs long nights to flower. In other words, cannabis needs darkness to make buds and THC. Cannabis uses light to...
  5. Married2Jane

    Effects of photoperiod on Cannabis during Flowering...HELP!!!

    If the cannabis plant produces resin and trichomes during night times, then it is quite logical to think that the more night it gets the more trichomes and resin it can produce. But the question lying ahead would be how many hours of light are enough for the cannabis plant to store as much...
  6. Married2Jane

    Effects of photoperiod on Cannabis during Flowering...HELP!!!

    Im not looking for big yields just good quality. I have been using molasses for the past 2 weeks around 3 tblspoons per gallon.... Would the plant be shocked with decreasing the photoperiod if its done slowly i.e from 12/12 to 11/13 to 10/14 to 9/15 to 8/16. That would be trying to do it how...
  7. Married2Jane

    Effects of photoperiod on Cannabis during Flowering...HELP!!!

    Hopefully someone can help, i couldnt find anything about it around. How does decreasing the photoperiod affect the quality of the plant when its in the final 3 weeks before harvest? Lets say after 7 weeks of flowering using a photoperiod of 12/12 it is decreased to 11/13 for one week then...
  8. Married2Jane

    First Time Grow!! No Smell!! Whats wrong??

    Is there any way i can tell what strain the plant is ?
  9. Married2Jane

    First Time Grow!! No Smell!! Whats wrong??

    No webs and no mold on the plant mate.... It looks very healthy but no SMELL yet ....
  10. Married2Jane

    First Time Grow!! No Smell!! Whats wrong??

    Its still not ready for harvest... i just pulled out 2 small buds to sample. Drying in microwave is just for sampling the buds. There are alot of threads around about different drying techniques..
  11. Married2Jane

    First Time Grow!! No Smell!! Whats wrong??

    I harvested 2 small buds to try today. Pistils are about 10% brown. Dried them in the microwave and took a couple of tokes. It gave me a head high that lasted about 20-30 minutes. I think i will decrease the light photoperiod to 10 light/14 dark and start flushing with molasses. If im right...
  12. Married2Jane

    First Time Grow!! No Smell!! Whats wrong??

    Honestly this is my first grow mate.. The pictures are of 1 plant. the other 2 i got rid of... I dont know i feel like it stopped maybe stunted growth or something. Its been 9 weeks into flowering and its still not time.... This taking too long... I just hope the waiting is gonna be worth it...
  13. Married2Jane

    First Time Grow!! No Smell!! Whats wrong??

    Purple Wheelchair – Im an insomniac and use for medicinal purposes. A friend of mine gave me 3 plants, 1 was a mother plant and the other 2 were clones of what he told me is called a PURPLE WHEELCHAIR Strain that is very hard to find around and very potent for insomniacs. Tried searching...
  14. Married2Jane

    Mixing Fertilizers

    hey everyone,need some help please...So veg phase needsnitrogen, flowerigneeds phosph.right?if i got miracle grow(15-13-12)1 tsp per litre as it says. OrganicLawn food(12-3-6)1tsp per litre as it says.does mixing give me a total of N-P-K of 27-16-18??I also read that molasses is very useful for...