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    Aerogarden Sponge Help

    so i got an aerogarden and when im plating my seed should i pre soak the sponge? and how do you close the the whole in the sponge once I have the seed planted
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    T5 4 bulb

    how far should my light be away from my plant?
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    Master kush problem(pics)

    dam i thought this soil had no nutes in it but its has like .001 of everything
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    Master kush problem(pics)

    im using ready grow soil,but i do you guys think i should cut the damaged leaves off or just leave them?
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    Master kush problem(pics)

    ya i flushed it today with some humboldt flush :)
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    Master kush problem(pics)

    what do you guys think is wrong the leaves turning yellow with slight browning in the middle of the leaf
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    Super Skunk Feminized

    i like everything im hearing except the smell and mites i hate those dam mites thanks for sharing about your grow !
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    Sour deisal !

    For one I only smoke pot I'm a all natral guy when it comes down to it I knew herion couldn't be grown in I thought the plant would die but my friend just wouldn't believe me or leave me alone about it I've smoked it before I heard about the whole herion thing that's why I asked cus I hate that...
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    Sour deisal !

    lol thank god bro your a total fucking infant obviously its an out there question but around here anything with sour means heroin so fuck you
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    Sour deisal !

    ok so ive been looking for some sour deisal seeds and i cant find them anywhere unless there called nyc deisal but my main reason for this thread is i was asking around about this strain and a couple people told me its grown with heroin is that true ?
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    T5 light spectrum question

    i was thinking the same at first ,so 3 grow 1 bloom bulb i think ill this out because my last harvest i went all grow bulbs kinda want to switch it up test new stuff and get better at growing !
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    Great White Shark Harvest

    This strain is amazing !!!
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    Super Skunk Feminized

    So about to order me some seeds heres the link if you want to check it out What does everyone think about this strain? so far everyone ive talked to said smelling it brought a tear to there eye and they...
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    T5 light spectrum question

    nice man all i have is a 2 foot t5 and leds for my mother i must say with the small space im using this t5 is great thanks for the input too four grows bulbs it is !
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    T5 light spectrum question

    about to plant some seeds and i have a t5 now i need to know if i should go three grows bulbs one bloom or all four grow for veg ?
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    Cocogro and cns17

    very nice i only have grow and bloom but i have 12 of each do you think you need ripe?
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    Cocogro and cns17

    just got some cocogro and cns17 anyone use these products and what was your result !?
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    Should i harvest early?

    i recently got a lot off new nutes not paying attention i over fertilized my two lovely ladys so the one the leaves curl under and start dieing so i flushed them took off alot of burnt leafs now the other one that nothing happened to is showing bright green yellow spots on all the leafs should i...
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    When curing??

    thanks for the input :) and not flaming me i heard they start to smell better to after this process is this true?
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    When curing??

    how many times do i open the jars a a day and what does curing do?