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  1. G

    First Grow Op.

    until now i have not been taking much note of anything while i have been growing...i know for a first timer thats pretty stupid. And as such, is why im starting to now! Lights: 4x 2700k 4x 6500k Using both for Veg and will knock out the 65's when im ready to trigger. `(wiring up two...
  2. G

    New bud in town

    Hey guys, Wanted to introduce myself real quck. have been growing for just over 6 months now. my first venture was a aero/dwc/top drip LST. I was using CFL's for the grow. it was working out great until 2.5 weeks into flower when BAM..hermi-fied! i was crushed to say the least. i am back in...
  3. G

    new bud on the block

    Heyo, whats going on guys/gals...My name is Ryan. just joined the site last night and wanted to say hello. I am a new grower worked very hard the last 6 months tending to my frist plant wich was an LST opp. she was beutiful over 20 heads when one day BAM the whore Hermi'd on me..i was...
  4. G

    12v HID Lamps

    i have been working on the same idea for quite some time i am by no means an electrician this project has proven more daughting then i had originally assumed...but i am using 2 of these automotive HID ballast to grow with. i have been using CFL's up until this november. its getting cold...