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  1. sebbay

    FOX farm NUTES in UK

    ebay! expensive postage though..
  2. sebbay

    will filament bulbs affect growth?

    i think ill shrug for now lol.. thanks
  3. sebbay

    will filament bulbs affect growth?

    Any one else have any other views on this?
  4. sebbay

    will filament bulbs affect growth?

    wickedy wack thanks!
  5. sebbay

    will filament bulbs affect growth?

    please help me!.. their just normal household filament bulbs..
  6. sebbay

    will filament bulbs affect growth?

    my plants are currently on 12/12 light cycle, but i was wondering if having a filament bulb on while they are sleeping affect them? thanks!
  7. sebbay

    Feedback/Constructive Criticism Please..

    please someone help!! and also will a normal filament bulb affect them while they sleep? thanks
  8. sebbay

    Feedback/Constructive Criticism Please..

    yeah turned out to be shoots.. i've given up with the lights- cant be arsed for them so im leaving it to the sun.. it gets light at about 7ish i think and dark at 6. is this a good idea? hope they dont go lady-boy on me.. also, on average how long does it take to flower?
  9. sebbay

    Feedback/Constructive Criticism Please..

    dont tell me that! they've grown a bit since yesterday.. they're starting to look like new shoots.. can new growth sprout from this area?
  10. sebbay

    Changing Light Cycle During Budding To 24/0 !PLEASE LOOK!

    what do you reckon the chances are? is it likely?
  11. sebbay

    Changing Light Cycle During Budding To 24/0 !PLEASE LOOK!

    yo i'm a new grower.. first grow.. i had my plants under a 18/6 light cycle, then my timer broke so for a few nights (2 or 3?) i turned the lights off at about 11/12 and on again at about 10. seems like they started flowering in the space of those few days.. ive now got them on 24 hour light...
  12. sebbay

    Feedback/Constructive Criticism Please..

    I've changed the light cycle to 24/7 cause the timer broke.. will this stress them out? and heres some recent photos.. FIMing looks like its gone well!.. also what are the tear drop shaped bits in a few of the close up photos? shit, actually the other plant has these things too but hairs...
  13. sebbay

    Feedback/Constructive Criticism Please..

    Also is this a good idea?
  14. sebbay

    Feedback/Constructive Criticism Please..

    i can get hold of a UV light so i might borrow that.. i think someone said using a UV light builds up some sort of oil or resin on the leaves that protect it that can also get you high.. is that true? Unfortunately i do have to leave the plants there, ill see how the bug problem goes.. if they...
  15. sebbay

    Feedback/Constructive Criticism Please..

    and i found an woodlouse too!
  16. sebbay

    Feedback/Constructive Criticism Please..

    looks like they are springtails from these photos.. i also found another kind of worm whilst digging about.. have a look at the photo.. it was sort of translucent and a slow wriggler.
  17. sebbay

    Feedback/Constructive Criticism Please..

    Okay, this is what ive got.. -those crabby things. spider mites?.. took a while to get the photo! and those jumping things but they are very slightly smaller, thin and very hard to photograph! lol
  18. sebbay

    Feedback/Constructive Criticism Please..

    Just taken a (really) close look at the soil.. there are these tiny jumpy mite things everywere and i saw a tiny crab looking thing and also an earthworm chilling out. any of these harmful?? cheers
  19. sebbay

    Feedback/Constructive Criticism Please..

    i might have said this before but what do you think of the idea of vegging the plants with the lights till spring and then when it gets warm enough stick them on my roof till the end of summer? would the change in light cycle stress them out? what would happen if you started to flower but then...
  20. sebbay


    mephedrone is a bit like MDMA but a lot more shit.. you get a buzz and for the first few times its brilliant but after that its shit. its pretty fucking addictive too psychologically anyway, i dont know about physically.