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  1. M

    Am I about done?

    ok thanks man for the advice, will tell u the outcome
  2. M

    Am I about done?

    ok thanks like i said its my first grow with no help so kinda experimenting.. so just flush it every couple days for next 2-3 weeks then keep lights off for 2 days an chop.. gotcha
  3. M

    Am I about done?

    Sorry about that guys.. i thought i had added the pictures the first time. any help is greatly appreciated.
  4. M

    Am I about done?

    Its kinda hard for me to tell being this is my first grow. But do it look lke I ready to be pulled and dried anytime soon.
  5. M


    cool, thanks man. i'm bout to change the water and stuff now, wish me luck and yea its been on 12/12 now for like couple weeks
  6. M


    can someone help me. it appears the top leaves are starting to hang over and die for some reason. any ideas as to what i need to do and are they gonna bud anymore than what they have? thanks for any help guys..
  7. M

    AeroGarden Guide/FAQ v 2.0

    Yea they are in nice an good, it's kinda like it gets top heavy or some sh*t cause not the whole thing leans just the top part. Like it was leaning yesterday around 1pm, I lifted it back up then round midnight after work I looked at it an you would never know it had happened, it's werid. But...
  8. M

    AeroGarden Guide/FAQ v 2.0

    Cool, so take it that right now is to early to tell the sex? Also not sure why or what is causing this but I say maybe once a week when looking at da plants I notice that one of the plants is leaning to the side like it appears to have fallen over or whatnot. But then if I take it an lean it...
  9. M

    AeroGarden Guide/FAQ v 2.0

    So 2morrow I'm changing to my 12/12 after week of recovery from topping them off. So how long b4 the buds appear or whatnot.. I'll post updated pictures when get da chance later n da week.
  10. M

    AeroGarden Guide/FAQ v 2.0

    i just got back from out of town on tuesday after being gone since last wednesday had someone watching my AG while gone but didnt do well.. the top of a couple leaves were burnt and my lighting wasnt on cause they were so close to the light, so i dont know how long they went without light. but...
  11. M

    AeroGarden Guide/FAQ v 2.0

    cool, thanks again man.. i'll keep ya posted and check with ya if i run across any problems. hopefully i'll get it right so i wont have wasted my time so far.. but if so i guess its moreso trail and era right.
  12. M

    AeroGarden Guide/FAQ v 2.0

    Thankx SICC, so I'm taking it that the timer is going to over ride the AG setting and timer. So then it really doesn't matter which selection I have it on correct?? Thanks again man for everything.
  13. M

    AeroGarden Guide/FAQ v 2.0

    hey guys this is my 1st grow also with the aerogarden and have a couple questions as well.. not to sound stupid or crazy but i'm running mine on the herb setting which i believe is 18/6.. at what point should i change it to maybe the tomatoes one say 12/12 for it to start flowering? i have added...