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  1. R

    What is the worst growing advice you ever received?

    to the guy that said the molasses comment it is a very good addative actually, kinda like bud blood just ya can get it anywhere. been using it for a while
  2. R

    check out my grow, newbie

    update on plants just over 3 weeks left, filling out nicely, the tall plant is a little slow probly be small yeild but it may take off
  3. R

    Roots Growing Above Soil

    i see your using those self watering pots man ditch the bottom of the pot where it holds water not good for the plants can cause the roots to rot have had it happen to someone, other than that nice grow man looking good
  4. R

    flowering marijuana, help

    does it seem to thick of a canopy for the light to get thought tho, is it going to affect my yeild cause my other ones that dont have as thick of leaves have twice the pistils
  5. R

    flowering marijuana, help

    started flowering all 3 plants at the same time and one just doesnt seem to be cutting it, alot of the leaves are covering the pistils and doesnt seem to be getting enough light through the canopy has anyone else encountered this problem? the first picture is the one that doesnt seem to be...
  6. R

    look ok for 32 days flowering???

    nice buds man keep up the good work
  7. R

    7 indoor plants 2 weeks flowering

    i agree need to watch from over fertilizing man can ruin the suckers looks like nute burn galore on the ladies
  8. R

    my lovelies

    no didnt take any clones, goin with white widow next time feminized seeds going with about 6 plants and going to lst the shit outta them to make the most out of my area
  9. R

    my lovelies

    first grow cant wait till done and see what i will yeild, maintain ph and using advanced nutes, bout a month into flower, 400w hps cooltube setup tube about 5 inches away from plants with minimal heat, what does everyone think?
  10. R

    have a look..wat u think?

    actually what size pot man cause i went from a gallon pot to a 3 gallant pot after flowering for a bit, cause mine started drooping very come cause of drooping is rootbound just make sure its not that can kill the plant if you dont fix it.... make sure you have at least a 2 or 3 gallon pot for...
  11. R

    check out my grow, newbie

    thanks for all the comments thought they were doin alright for first grow... gonna do some lst next time, gonna stay away from the toping, slows down growth for 2 long looking for maximum growth in littlest time, will show you next time in feburary growing 6 white widow feminized. ill keep...
  12. R

    leafs twisting and folding up

    looks like somekind of nutrient deffiencey try some different veg nutes mite not be getting all that is needed and try some different soil next time my first grow and i just went and bought the cheapest soil with some perlite in it, know other people that grow also and they dont go crazy with...
  13. R

    first grow

    not doing anything with the ppm just letting them grow jus maintaing ph and proper nutes built them up to full strenght with nutes in 3 weeks gonna be receiving full strenght for about 3 more weeks then flushing and some tlc haha hopefully get a good yeild hopin for a couple oz's off the 3
  14. R

    have a look..wat u think?

    these are mine man tryin to keep em healthy first grow just got do some reading up and they will love ya for it
  15. R

    check out my grow, newbie

    the big one veged for about a week and a half 2 weeks and the other for just under a week, and been flowering for probly a month mabye a lil less, 400w hps cooltube setup
  16. R

    check out my grow, newbie

    first grow but i think i got er pretty good, advanced nutes and maintaing ph
  17. R

    My new & improved grow room! Help with suggestions anyone?

    just check your soil man finger length should be dry, and in the future get a small hps will pay off large i started off with cfls and didnt turn out very good and now im going with hps check out my pics
  18. R

    have a look..wat u think?

    if you only give them that then 2 lil water i water mine about 500 ml each every 2 days just make sure it is dry about finger length into the soil, you should check out my grow
  19. R

    first grow

    just wondering what people think of my plants? how there doing? what kinda yeild you think i will get just using advanced nutes flower, and maintaining my ph. any feedback is apreciated, like to hear back from other growers