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  1. go metal

    Trying My Hand At Glass Pipe Making

    It's funny how many people kept referring to her as "dude" or "man" How many dudes do you know that call themselves kitty?! Anyway, great thread. I'm inspired for sure, just don't have 3 grand to drop yet haha.
  2. go metal

    600w 2x4 SOG Afgooie Box Grow - Bitches

    Remember, it's christmas break! I'm not gonna lie dude, these plants are easily some of the best I've seen.:hump:
  3. go metal

    600w 2x4 SOG Afgooie Box Grow - Bitches

    Cool, I'm down whenever. I might use it as an opportunity to start that video. Plus of course, :bigjoint:
  4. go metal

    600w 2x4 SOG Afgooie Box Grow - Bitches

    I feel like I'm not doing my plants justice after looking at these pictures! But hey man, the cloning process will probably start soon. Gotta keep the strain alive!
  5. go metal

    ah yeah, it most likely is the heat. I put the smaller ones in a different cabinet with CFLs and...

    ah yeah, it most likely is the heat. I put the smaller ones in a different cabinet with CFLs and they are looking great. The bigger ladies still look great, just a little twisting. When I watered them I fed them only a tiny bit, and the ph was at 6.0 i believe. They're getting thirsty right now...
  6. go metal

    600w 2x4 SOG Afgooie Box Grow - Bitches

    best journal, best dude! check your messages:lol: (that face makes me legit lol)
  7. go metal

    Hey man, you can probably guess who this is. The plants are looking good but are slightly...

    Hey man, you can probably guess who this is. The plants are looking good but are slightly twisting a little bit so I'm afraid my PH isn't in the right zone, not quite sure whether to shoot for the soil PH range or the hydro PH range, so I'm just wondering what you've found works for them?