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  1. N

    G13 Labs Pineapple Express DWC

    still got some growing..the two biggest plants..they actually kind of took over the other three
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    G13 Labs Pineapple Express DWC

    harvested about half of them at day 53, gonna let 4 huge colas stay a couple more days
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    G13 Labs Pineapple Express DWC

    Day 50, they say PE is done in 53 but Im not sure about mine.
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    G13 Labs Pineapple Express DWC

    theyre doing good. Just changed the water to no nutes and am gonna give them another 7-10 days. They definitely were way too crowded aswell as other things that I will improve on next time.
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    G13 Labs Pineapple Express DWC

    Day 26..theyre gettin beautiful..what does everybody think?
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    G13 Labs Pineapple Express DWC

    Day 18 of 12/12
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    G13 Labs Pineapple Express DWC

    Is that going to be a problem ya think?..Im using advanced nutes grow micro bloom and dark energy. and ya PE is a pretty resilient plant for sure..made a noobie mistake of not diluting the nutrients before I put them in the tub when they were very young and they bounced right back. Could...
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    G13 Labs Pineapple Express DWC

    got a 4" fan and a carbon filter today that Im very happy with. I also added a 5000k cfl and 2700k so the under part could get some more light. 15th day of flowering and was wondering if it is bad that the plants have been moving around a little?..When I did the reservoir change they really...
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    G13 Labs Pineapple Express DWC

    11th Day of Flowering
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    G13 Labs Pineapple Express DWC

    switched the bulb and went 12/12 2 days ago.
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    G13 Labs Pineapple Express DWC

    flowerin tomorrow
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    Pineapple express+Kandy kush. Hydro

    Im growing some g13 pineapple express too!..and I've had the same problems with holes in the leaves with no signs of bugs at all..strange?
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    G13 Labs Pineapple Express DWC

    theyre doin reeaall good. gonna probably start flowering them on Wednesday(3 days from now)? successfully topped the smallest plant "grapefruit (somethin)"
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    G13 Labs Pineapple Express DWC

    Im thinkin i should switch to 12/12 hps in about a week and half?
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    G13 Labs Pineapple Express DWC

    hell yea sounds like a good idea!
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    G13 Labs Pineapple Express DWC

    So I just flushed and everything is perfect, except there is some leaf coloration on the biggest plant in the lower right corner (4th picture) . Here are some pics and if someone could tell me what it is that would be great.
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    G13 Labs Pineapple Express DWC

    thanks and they are back on track haha! and i successfully topped them
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    G13 Labs Pineapple Express DWC

    So theyre finally got back in full force! the rest of my nutes and a ppm meter..if someone could give me some guidelines on ppm levels that would be great..Ive looked it up and cant tell if i should constantly keep the nutrients at a certain level or should i wait till they eat them and...
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    G13 Labs Pineapple Express DWC

    Thanks for all the help everyone. For sirsmokes, heres the info you asked for 1. Im using advanced nutrients grow/micro/bloom but i only have bloom as of now due to cash shortage and recently put in 1/10th of the strenght it says on the nutrient calculator the have on their website and they seem...
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    G13 Labs Pineapple Express DWC

    haha preciate it bro..Ive just put so much into it and i dont wanna fuck up my first (true) time ya know..but i was wondering about how they will come back..will they need to make brand new leaves or will they revive the old ones..and should i take off the old yellow/dry brown leaves or just...