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  1. H

    Fact or Fiction You Tell Me?

    here's one: I've heard that when you start growing, the light cycle is to be 12/12...So for about a month, I was doing 12/12...then I heard that if you interupt the night cycle with 1 hour of lighting that you can change the sex of the plant to I did that for about a month as...
  2. H

    Sets on marijuana plants

    haha 'tis the season :]
  3. H

    Sets on marijuana plants

    yeah, hangon.
  4. H

    Sets on marijuana plants

    I have 4 plants growing right now. They've been growing for about 2 months . They are on their 6th set, however, every set is '3 leafed'. I know it's supposed to start with 3 leaves, then 5, 7, 9, etc. I was just wondering how many sets sprout 3 leaves before sprouting 5, 7, 9, etc. If mine...
  5. H

    plant food

    how many times/how often in a growth cycle are you supposed to feed the plants? I'm about 2 months in and I've fed them once already about 2 weeks ago.:joint:
  6. H

    first grow conditions so far: any feedback?

    your plants look really good. i'm about 3 days behind you, haha. mine still have the pedals, but i can see the leaves starting to lift away from them. eek, isn't it exciting to grow?! i love it!!
  7. H

    What are hermies?

    i never heard of hermies. i'm growing right now but my 4 plants are still in their early stages. at what point can you tell it's a hermie? and again, what is it exactly?
  8. H

    1st time posting. have a problem

    or change up your light system. get uv tube plant lights. they don't give off as much heat, but give the right amount of uv rays for your plants to grow. they aren't that expensive, and will also save your plants from drying out as well.
  9. H

    Germ. / Seedling Help

    if you want to have sprouting seeds, the best way to do it, is place the seeds in between two sheets of WET paper towel, and put it in a ziplock bag.(the ziplock keeps the paper towels moist which allows the seeds to sprout) then within like 3-6 days, they will start to sprout. once they...